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Monday, October 28, 2019

Arrowverse Checkup: Arrow Season 8

               Welcome to Arrowverse Checkups. As the Arrowverse enters its eighth year, I’ll checking in with each series premiere see where they are and where they appear to be going. Let’s jump in!

Arrow’s final season has been a weird one. I planned to write this piece after the season premiere, but it did not provide much in the way of hints towards the story of this season. After two episodes, the picture is slightly clearer but remains fuzzy. It has been incredibly good though.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Supernatural Continues Its Final Season With Some Guest Stars

I’ve really struggled with this recap. Not because I couldn’t handle writing about it, but because I don’t know what to think about it. It has made me completely rethink what this season is. Where I was certain of the ongoing conflict and what it would for the gang before, I now have no clue what anything is. That can be exhilarating, but in this case I feel empty. Like there’s no direction even as I logically know there must be.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Last Week's Comics Reviewed 10.24.2019

What’s up, y’all? I’m back with some more comic reviews and it was a decent week. In particular, Spider-Man surprised me. After reading it, I was pretty indifferent, but had a strong opinion when I sat down to think and write about it. Also, Jonathon Hickman's monthly run began and I’m quite excited for it. Let’s dig in!
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #10

Comics Reviewed: X-Men #1, Spider-Man #2, Flash Forward #2

Monday, October 21, 2019

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Looks Incredible

               I’m a huge Star Wars fan. I can’t tell you everything about the universe, but I can tell you the absolutely epic and ridiculous way Chewie died in the old Legends continuity. Anyway, this new film looks sick. I have no idea what it is about or how anything will be accomplished. What I do know is that it will be beautiful and Rey and Kylo will hang out together. Its unclear if ForceTime will be involved though. Also, it is almost assuredly going to end poorly because they are shown clearly dueling.

Having said all of that, I’m not sure J.J. Abrams work on The Force Awakens warrants the level of excitement I am feeling. I had legit chills watching this. But J.J. said in a recent interview that Rian Johnson’s boundary breaking on The Last Jedi made him feel confident enough to take new risks so I’m gonna keep up my excitement. Because I’m here for the ride, even if it ends poorly.

Bloodshot Looks Pretty Good!

So, there’s a Bloodshot film coming in February. I had assumed this would be one of the many superhero movies to get stuck in development hell and never see the light of day. I was wrong. And that’s cool because Bloodshot has the chance to be a unique superhero movie. Also, it looks badass! It also might be a The Fast and The Furious sequel? This kind of looks like Edge of Tomorrow meets Hobbs and Shaw. And it seems like a fun film for the dead zone traditionally known as middle of February. Hopefully it's good!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Last Week's Comics Reviewed 10.16.2019

               Hey y’all. I’m going to be switching it up this week. From now on, I won’t be reviewing every issue I read each week, but I will be doing as many as I can. I will also be putting one of my favorite panels of the week in this opening section. This week only has two issues to review and they were a mixed bag. Next week, we’ll have the beginning of X-Men as well as Spider-Man and Flash Forward. Should be fun!
The Best Bros

Comics Reviewed: Event Leviathan #5, The Flash #80

Monday, October 14, 2019

Arrowverse Checkup: The Flash Season 6 Premiere

               Welcome to Arrowverse Checkups. As the Arrowverse enters its eighth year, I’ll checking in with each series premiere see where they are and where they appear to be going. Let’s jump in!

The Flash is back and he brought a bunch of friends. Also, black holes. How did The Flash and Supergirl both have black hole villains in the first episode? You think there’d be someone communicating between the shows about this kind of thing. But I don’t actually care because we got Chunk! We didn’t get much of him here, but it seems like he’ll be hanging around Star Labs for a while. His black hole powers combined with the fact he made a black hole machine out of junk seems like it is heading somewhere. Maybe in the direction of opening a business where he gets rid of unwanted objects? That’d be dope.

Supernatural Season 15 Begins The End With A Strong Premiere

I don’t think this season is about fighting God. Its about taking control of your life. That is, after all, the conclusion our heroes reach by the conclusion of this episode. And what an episode it was. The brothers have a new friend and new apocalypse, but the same mission as always: Save people, hunt things.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Last Week's Comics Reviewed 10.09.2019

               Hey y’all. Just a few comics this week. Nothing too exciting. Brian Michael Bendis is disappointing me though. He seems to be focusing all his energy towards the Legion of Super-Heroes except in the actual Legion miniseries. At least Joshua Williamson’s Flash series is still fun. House of X also ended last week. That comic was a whole thing that I’m going to need to reread to digest all of it. What’s that you say? X-Men #1 releases next week? Guess we gotta dive in so I prepare!

Comics Reviewed: Action Comics #1015, The Flash #79, Legion of Superheroes: Millennium #2

Action Comics #1015

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist: Szymon Kudranski
Colors: Brad Anderson
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Cover: David Marquez and Alejandro Sanchez

This series has been strange in Bendis' pen. It has no clear through line other than Superman shows up sometimes. The first story arc was setting up the Invisible Mafia and their conflict with Superman. That’s super interesting. That fell to the background as the series became a lead up to Event Leviathan. That story wasn’t really about Superman, he was just there while things happened around him. Once Event Leviathan began, this series retained a small connection to it, but became the Rose and Thorn Show. Rose and Thorn is set up for Bendis' upcoming Legion of Super-Heroes series (More on that later). This issue is about Naomi (whom I adore), even after Superman leaves her to save Rose.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Arrowverse Checkup: Supergirl Season 5 Premiere

               Welcome to Arrowverse Checkups. As the Arrowverse enters its eighth year, I’ll checking in with each series premiere see where they are and where they appear to be going. Let’s jump in!

A new season of Supergirl has arrived! I love this show very much, but we’re not here to talk about that. We’re here to discuss all the cool story threads that have been set up. Although there is one weird thing about those threads: None of them belong Supergirl. Yes, Kara has plenty going on in her life, but, as of right now, her alter ego has no ongoing plot. Not that it’s a problem. This has become a fantastic ensemble show ad this episode was a showcase for that. And at least Supergirl gets a slick new suit.

Blog Update 10.07.2019

Hey y’all. Welcome back to the Wondrous (near) Monthly Update! This time I have a couple quick things to talk about. First up, I apologize for the lack of reviews last week. I was having some issues with Blogger and could not get it uploaded. So, rather than post it today, I’ll roll those reviews into this week’s reviews. And I promise to have them out on time.

Next up, I’m announcing that I’ll be checking in with all the Arrowverse shows' first episodes. These won’t be reviews, just me noting what is happening and looking at what the upcoming season promises for the future. I may do more such checkups later in the season, especially for my favorite shows. And I guarantee one for the Arrow finale. Crisis on Infinite Earths is this year’s crossover event and it promises to be a big one. I won’t spoil any cameos that have been announced in case readers want to go in fresh. I’ll be taking a closer look at those episodes when they air as well.

Last item of the day, I have finished my Supernatural rewatch. It took about 6 months and I finished just days prior to the season 15 premiere. It has truly reinforced my love for this show and made me reconsider how I felt about some episodes and seasons of the show (Season 7 is one of the best, y’all). I am prepared for this new season as much as I possibly could be. I’m going to very emotional every episode, but it'll be fun to share this last ride with everyone. Can’t wait for Thursday!

Thanks everyone,

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

I don't know about Birds of Prey

Is this a Birds of Prey movie or a Harley Quinn movie? The trailer makes me think it’s the latter and I have virtually no interest in that. Harley Quinn is a fine character, but I feel burnt out on the character. I’m much more interested in Huntress and Renee Montoya. Having said that, I have way more interest in this than I ever had in Joker. This looks like it’ll be a well made film with a fun aesthetic. There are also a bunch of great actors. So, I’ll probably see this for those reasons, but maybe a second trailer will be able to excited me later.
