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Monday, October 14, 2019

Arrowverse Checkup: The Flash Season 6 Premiere

               Welcome to Arrowverse Checkups. As the Arrowverse enters its eighth year, I’ll checking in with each series premiere see where they are and where they appear to be going. Let’s jump in!

The Flash is back and he brought a bunch of friends. Also, black holes. How did The Flash and Supergirl both have black hole villains in the first episode? You think there’d be someone communicating between the shows about this kind of thing. But I don’t actually care because we got Chunk! We didn’t get much of him here, but it seems like he’ll be hanging around Star Labs for a while. His black hole powers combined with the fact he made a black hole machine out of junk seems like it is heading somewhere. Maybe in the direction of opening a business where he gets rid of unwanted objects? That’d be dope.

               Elsewhere, Caitlin’s friend Ramsey Rosso’s mother has died. She passed from HLH cancer and Ramsey is not handling it well. On the upside, he has discovered the cure for HLH: Inject dark matter! Which is, at best, some pseudo-science bullshit, but I’ll allow it. Caitlin doesn’t even consider the possibilities of this treatment. She dismisses Ramsey out of hand because people might become metahumans. But didn’t we make a cure for that? What’s the risk here? Towards the end of the episode, Ramsey tests himself. Its going well for now. Here’s the thing though, Sendhil Ramamurthy is basically just playing Mohinder Suresh from Heroes but with mommy issues instead of daddy issues. He thankfully won’t have gross bug powers and that’s a blessing.

               Ralph Dibney returns from a summer abroad where he was searching for Sue Dearborn. Sue is, of course, his wife in the comics. Ralph also helps Caitlin and Killer Frost realize that they can coexist by taking turns being in control of their body. That’s going to go poorly at some point.

               The final major plot here is about Barry and Iris coming to grips with the fact that Nora is gone. They may see her in the future, but it won’t be the same woman they know and love. They spend the entire episode pushing their emotions down until they finally agree to work through it together. And Iris is definitely going to be pregnant by the end of the season, right? It feels like the natural next step after this storyline.

               All in all, it looks like we have a promising season ahead. There are a lot of plot threads and character arcs set up in the premiere and they look to be fun and interesting. But there is one more thing I haven’t mentioned: The episode ends with the Monitor appearing in the Time Vault and revealing Flash’s disappearance is now scheduled for December 10th, 2019. Which is the day of The Flash’s Crisis episode. Oh! And he mentions that “Flash must die.” Of course, I doubt that will be Barry. Or at least this Barry. Could be John Wesley Shipp as either Barry or Jay Garrick. We don’t know yet, but that will change in two months’ time.

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