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Thursday, October 17, 2019

Last Week's Comics Reviewed 10.16.2019

               Hey y’all. I’m going to be switching it up this week. From now on, I won’t be reviewing every issue I read each week, but I will be doing as many as I can. I will also be putting one of my favorite panels of the week in this opening section. This week only has two issues to review and they were a mixed bag. Next week, we’ll have the beginning of X-Men as well as Spider-Man and Flash Forward. Should be fun!
The Best Bros

Comics Reviewed: Event Leviathan #5, The Flash #80

Event Leviathan #5

Story: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist: Alex Maleev
Letters: Josh Reed
Cover: Maleev

I think I was right, y'all. Maybe. The end of this issue HEAVILY suggests a former Manhunter is the culprit. It's probably the original, but we'll see.

Having Lois Lane have a separate group of detectives was an amazing idea. I just wish it had been introduced in two or three issues ago. Imagine if we had seen their investigations running in parallel. That would have been really cool. At least we get a few really fun interactions here. Although, Bendis has no idea what John Constantine's voice sounds like. He's funny here, but in a goofball that makes him seem like Plastic Man.
Get rekt Supes

Anyway, Elongated Man and the gang reveal that they think Sam Lane (Lois' father) is involved with Leviathan. So, they all head to his hospital bed. Here, Sam reveals he's not involved but believes Leviathan is right. He passes away as a Leviathan grunt teleports Sam and Lois to somewhere very snowy. He's tells her to look for the Snowman's Ticket.

The Snowman's Ticket is something I don't believe has been mentioned in prior issues but comes up twice here. Once when Sam Lane says it and once much earlier when Death stroke mentions it. And everyone else ignores Slade. I'm not sure what that is a clue towards, but it is interesting.
As per usual, this comic is gorgeous. Alex Maleev is a great artist. His moody, sketchy watercolor really fits the time of what this series wants to be.
Verdict: Buy

The Flash #80

Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artist: Scott Kollins
Inks: Jordi Tarragona
Colors: Luis Guerrero
Letters: Steve Wands
Cover: Rafa Sandoval, Tarragona, and Tomeu Morey

               What the fuck is happening in this comic? The Black Flash returns to fight Barry but is like ‘lol jk’ and leaves. Barry is going to chase it, but Iris insists on coming along. And he just lets her?! What is she going to offer here? Oh…she can read. Barry took her to read Hunter Zolomon’s records in an effort to piece together where he took Steadfast. Turns out, they’re wherever Zolomon was shot and paralyzed. He and Barry fight, but are stopped by Steadfast. Then, somehow, Zolomon takes the Still Force from Steadfast. Now he has access to all four forces and can enter the Forever Force, somehow. But so can the Black Flash. And he is going to kill Zolomon until Barry jumps in the way and, apparently, dies. Elsewhere, Kid Flash and Avery find the Rogues talking about their plan.
Captain Cold looks like a blob with a beard
               Again, what the fuck is happening in this comic? Events just happen with little to no rhyme or reason. Why does Black Flash attack Barry? Why does Zolomon go to the place he was injured? How does he take Steadfast’s powers? How does he get inside the Forever Force? What IS the Forever Force? How does Black Flash get there?  Nothing makes any sense or connects to anything. The only somewhat sensible story here is the one where Wallace and Avery hunt down the Rogues. It also only lasts two pages. Maybe everything will come together next issue, but that won’t make this one make sense.

               Its pretty cool that Scott Kolins drew this issue as he co-created Hunter Zolomon with Geoff Johns. Its unfortunate that this comic is ugly. There’s nothing wrong with an ugly comic if its on purpose. It is an artist’s right to express themselves in that way. This comic just seems rushed. Like the original artist wasn’t able to do it and Kollins was fast enough to fill in. Hopefully it looks better next issue because I am a huge Kollins fan.

Verdict: Pass

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