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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Last Week's Comics Reviewed 10.09.2019

               Hey y’all. Just a few comics this week. Nothing too exciting. Brian Michael Bendis is disappointing me though. He seems to be focusing all his energy towards the Legion of Super-Heroes except in the actual Legion miniseries. At least Joshua Williamson’s Flash series is still fun. House of X also ended last week. That comic was a whole thing that I’m going to need to reread to digest all of it. What’s that you say? X-Men #1 releases next week? Guess we gotta dive in so I prepare!

Comics Reviewed: Action Comics #1015, The Flash #79, Legion of Superheroes: Millennium #2

Action Comics #1015

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist: Szymon Kudranski
Colors: Brad Anderson
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Cover: David Marquez and Alejandro Sanchez

This series has been strange in Bendis' pen. It has no clear through line other than Superman shows up sometimes. The first story arc was setting up the Invisible Mafia and their conflict with Superman. That’s super interesting. That fell to the background as the series became a lead up to Event Leviathan. That story wasn’t really about Superman, he was just there while things happened around him. Once Event Leviathan began, this series retained a small connection to it, but became the Rose and Thorn Show. Rose and Thorn is set up for Bendis' upcoming Legion of Super-Heroes series (More on that later). This issue is about Naomi (whom I adore), even after Superman leaves her to save Rose.

This is a good sequence.

Not that this is a bad issue. It’s a perfectly fine issue. It introduced Naomi to anyone that didn't read her series (You should) and gives her a few fun moments with Superman. Those are by far the best parts of the issue. I have no idea where the Red Cloud/Rose and Thorn story is going, but hopefully it gets more interesting.

The art here remains good. It’s cleanly laid out and shows exactly what is happening clearly. This book has always been dark (in terms of shadows and colors) for a Superman series, but it really struck me in the second half here for whatever reason.

Verdict: Borrow

The Flash #79
Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artist: Rafa Sandoval
Inks: Jordi Tarragona
Colors: Arif Prianto
Letters: Steve Wands
Cover: Sandoval, Tarragona, and Tomeu Morey

There’s so much going on here. The Black Flash doesn’t make an appearance in this issue, but his presence is felt in every scene with Barry and the Force Crew. Fuerza and Commander Cold go into the Strength Force to learn more about it. Then Iris shows up to remind readers that she remembers some of her life pre-Flashpoint and Heroes in Crisis hasn’t been dealt with in this comic. Hunter Solomon shows up for 10 seconds to interrupt their conversation and kidnap Steadfast. Elsewhere, Wallace and Avery realize they've gotten some of their speed back. That means they can round up the real Rogues instead of going after Girder and Big Sir. And in the final plot thread, the Rogues recruit Golden Glider for whatever Year of the Villain tie-in story they’re going to do.
Someone cares about Wally!
Whew! That’s quite a bit of story for a single issue. And individually, they’re all interesting plot threads (except Wallace and Avery. They literally get six panels). The problem is that they don’t get the time to breath. There is so much set up for future issues and stories that this issue lacks a story of its own. Which happens in serialized fiction but accepting that doesn’t make this individual issue more cohesive or interesting.

As for the art in this issue, it’s pretty good. Sandoval has never been one of my artists. For reasons I I’m not entirely sure I can express. Everything is cleanly laid out and tells the story well. His faces are not incredibly expressive, but they're not emotionless either.

Verdict: Borrow

Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium #2

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist: Nicola Scott, Jim Cheung, Jeff Dekal, and Ryan Sook
Colors: Tomeu Morey and Jordie Bellaire
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Cover: Sook

               What is the point of this series? The Legion of Super-Heroes appear on a single page. There is no plot. There are no characters. Yeah Batman Beyond showed up and that was cool. Kamandi and Booster Gold also made cameo appearances. But what was the point? To get Rose and Thorn to the future? There had to be a way to do that without an oversized, overlong miniseries. Maybe she hops a ride with the Legion when they take Jon Kent to the future. Boom! No need for a two-issue miniseries. I will probably still check out Legion of Super-Heroes next month, but I am not nearly as excited if this is what we’re going to be doing.
This is really cool even if it doesn't matter.

               At least the art is good. This issue is much more consistent than the prior one. Nicola Scott is here! She’s amazing and not nearly as famous as she should be. Something about her style makes characters seem important even if they’re having a pointless conversation. And they look cool. Rose looks so good in this section of the issue! They other artists acquit themselves well, but none of their styles are quite as distinct and clean. Ryan Sook’s comes the closest, but, due to either his art or the coloring, looks very flat. Overall, a beautiful comic book.

Verdict: Sell

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