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Monday, October 14, 2019

Supernatural Season 15 Begins The End With A Strong Premiere

I don’t think this season is about fighting God. Its about taking control of your life. That is, after all, the conclusion our heroes reach by the conclusion of this episode. And what an episode it was. The brothers have a new friend and new apocalypse, but the same mission as always: Save people, hunt things.

Those things include some familiar faces: John Wayne Gacy, Bloody Mary, and the Woman in White. These are the first of what I'm sure will be many callbacks to the last 14 years of stories. It's unfortunate that they have no discernable personalities in this episode. I really wish they would've played with the boys a bit more since they all have history. Instead, they're trapped with a bunch of other spirits in Harlan, Kansas. They evacuated everyone before hand, in case you're wondering.

Among the most interesting callbacks we get are a mention of Alistair by Belphegor (More on him in a moment) and the final shot of the episode: Sam closes Baby's trunk as he and Dean look at, a callback so direct it is intercut with original final shot of Pilot. Interestingly, the boys are searching for a different Father now.

As for the new friend the team gained, Belphegor was a hoot. Alexander Calvert seemed to be having a blast playing what is, essentially, the opposite of Jack. I’m fairly certain Jack will be back later this season and someone else will have the opportunity to play Belphegor or he will die., but I’m going to enjoy this while it lasts. The character was smart, witty, and charming. Basically, he was Season 5 Crowley without the ambition. Or so he wants us to think. In traditional Judeo-Christian lore, Belphegor is a Prince of Hell. Of course, Supernatural only has four such demons, while lore has seven. Satan, Beelzebub, and Lucifer have all been rolled into one on this show. Asmodeus is dead and Leviathan means something else entirely in this context. Traditionally, Dagon is a fertility god (Get it? She was protecting Lucifer’s baby.) and Ramiel is a fallen angel. And they are both dead. Mammon has yet to make an appearance. I doubt they’re going to retcon Belphegor into a Prince at this point. So, what could he be? And what does he want?

The final thing I want to discuss is Sam’s wound. My guy shot God last season and took the same damage back. Except the Equalizer doesn’t shoot bullets, it shoots cosmic energy. There is no exit wound so a bunch of that energy is inside Sam. This causes Sam to have a vision (!!!) similar to the early seasons. It even includes what appears to be evil Sam. The image is steeped in red lighting, so I automatically associated it with either demons or Hell, which I’m sure was the creators’ intent. This ties into one of my favorite scenes that I’ve seen: The show ends with Chuck and Amara gone and Sam and Dean in their places. What better to prove your personal agency? This could be a preview of Sam accepting his new role. However, my personal theory is that the boys close the gates of Heaven and Hell with Sam in Hell and Dean in Heaven. Forever separated, but knowing they did everything they could for the world. I believe Castiel will remain on Earth as a human, possibly with Jack. And we will all ball.

I’m going to end each review with my favorite quotes of the episode because that’s what Supernatural truly is: Great actors saying great lines. Let’s go:
·        Dean (After Belphegor asks whose body he is in): “He was our kid… Kinda.”
·        Cas (Deadpanning after Sam fire at a ghost in front of him): “You shot me.”
·        Belphegor: “We were all worshipping a rock that looked like a giant penis sooo…”
·        Dean: “So you and me versus every soul in Hell? I like those odds.”

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