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Monday, October 7, 2019

Arrowverse Checkup: Supergirl Season 5 Premiere

               Welcome to Arrowverse Checkups. As the Arrowverse enters its eighth year, I’ll checking in with each series premiere see where they are and where they appear to be going. Let’s jump in!

A new season of Supergirl has arrived! I love this show very much, but we’re not here to talk about that. We’re here to discuss all the cool story threads that have been set up. Although there is one weird thing about those threads: None of them belong Supergirl. Yes, Kara has plenty going on in her life, but, as of right now, her alter ego has no ongoing plot. Not that it’s a problem. This has become a fantastic ensemble show ad this episode was a showcase for that. And at least Supergirl gets a slick new suit.

               Let’s start with that ensemble. J’onn has gone full Dad Mode. He teaches youth tai chi and gives calm, sound advice to his friends. Pretty tranquil life that my guy has earned. Unfortunately, his brother shows up and releases a villain from the Phantom Zone. That conflict makes up the spine of this episode, but it doesn’t matter. At the end of the episode, J’onn’s brother reveals himself to J’onn and accuses him and their father of betrayal and villainy. Except J’onn appears to not know he has a brother. This seems to be the primary conflict for the early part of the season. Which makes me wonder if J’onn’s brother is from a different Earth. This seems likely as he was brought to this Earth by the Monitor last season.

Elsewhere, love is in the air. Nia and Brainy are struggling in their relationship because Brainy shrinks from physical contact with Nia. This leads to a sweet if slightly forced scene where we get the couple’s first kiss. I’m sure this is not the only relationship struggle we’ll see from them this season. Alex and her new beau, Kelly, are in deep into the puppy love phase of their relationship. That’s about all we get from Alex in this episode, but I think Kelly’s new job may end up causing conflict in this relationship.

You see, Kelly has just taken a job with Obsidian North. Specifically, she’s working to implement their Virtual Augmented Reality technology into medical uses. Obsidian North appears to be at the heart of the big theme/question this season: How much technology is too much technology? Lena is seen using advanced technology, especially Obsidian North’s VR contacts, throughout the episode while Kara comes down hard on the way technology can let people escape and not deal with harsh realities that need to be confronted. There is certainly an argument to be made for both sides, but time will tell how Supergirl will handle it.

The head of Obsidian North’s VAR department is Andrea Rojas, who has just purchased CatCo from Lena. And Andrea has big plans for CatCo. They are going to pivot to “fun, digestible watercooler news.” Many of the CatCo writers have a problem with this as they are known for their hard-hitting journalism (Kara is awarded a Pulitzer in this very episode!). Andrea doesn’t care and announces that they all have new 3-year contracts with non-compete clauses. Is that legal? Don’t people have to sign new contracts before they go into effect? Also, what an asshole move. Many of the staff quit, including James. He decides its time for a new adventure and accepts that his journalistic career is over. James’ actor, Mehcad Brooks, is leaving the show at some point this season and this seems to be the beginning of the story that will lead to that exit.

Kara has a different reaction to Andrea Rojas’ takeover. She’s is going to remain at CatCo and try to change it from the inside. Supergirl tackling one of the main crises in journalism is exciting. I hope they approach it with the fervor that they did immigration last season. Say what you have to say but allow for the antagonists in this story to have some valid points.

Kara’s other story is Lena. And Lena’s story is Kara. Throughout the last few episodes of Season 4, Kara kept putting off telling Lena that she is Supergirl. She continues to do it throughout this episode. What she doesn’t realize is that Lena already knows and has been working to takedown Supergirl (not in a kill-y way though. Just in a destroy-your-life kind of way). Lena planned to release Supergirl’s identity to the world during Kara’s Pulitzer Prize celebration, but Kara reveals herself backstage before Lena gives her introduction. They make up except Lena is still mad and decides to use Kara and Supergirl to further whatever plan she is working on. There are no hints here as to what she is working on, but she says it will save the world. Can’t wait to see what that is.

And, as the cliffhanger, Eve Tessmacher is kidnapped from the back of a restaurant she appears to be working at. I guess the Leviathan plot will arrive next episode. And that will presumably be the major story for this season. And, of course, there is a crisis coming…

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