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Thursday, January 7, 2021

Supernatural Season 15 Episode 13 Review


‘Destiny’s Child’ has one of the strangest mcguffin quests I have ever seen. From the outset, our protagonists are not told what they are looking for. Nor even if it is a thing or a place. All they have is a name: Occultum; which is just Latin for “having hidden”. Luckily for viewers, this episode is more of a showcase for the supernatural women of Supernatural than a focus on the mcguffin.

Danneel Ackles and Genevieve Padalecki return as Sister Jo/Anael and Ruby, respectively. They get some fun flashbacks together where we learn they were working together in some minor schemes. At one point, they traded possession of the Occultum with Ruby having hidden it in church. She tells Castiel this when he visits her in the Empty where he also encounters Meg. Well, the Empty taking the shape of Meg which is probably all we will get here. It is a nice chance to get Rachel Miner back and see the Empty have an actual personality, even if it is just Meg’s. The whole venture was a clever, exciting way to see these characters one last time.

Meanwhile, I think the Winchesters are planning to install Jack as the new God? They remember that no Chuck means no Amara, or the universe will be out of balance. I had assumed this meant they had to remove both, and everything would be copacetic. Either I am wrong, or the boys just have not realized it yet.

To that end, after obtaining the Occultum, which is a small metal ball with engravings, Jack eats it. Just pops it in his mouth then he disappears. It was so sudden and confusing and, ultimately, hilarious. HE ends up in The Garden. Like, of Eden. It had not even occurred to me that we have never heard anything about the Garden in 15 years or that the Occultum would be an edible that took you there. While he is there, Jack does a minor test and regains his soul. Then he gets to decimate some hellhounds. The boy is back back! At this point, Billie seems to think Jack is just about ready to confront Chuck and Amara. Of course, Team Free Will has to find them first so I expect that to be the focus of the next episode.

Oh! And there was a pair of alternate universe hipster Winchesters! They did not do much outside some funny comedy bits but Manbun Sam and Raised Pinky Dean were a fantastic for a bit of occasional levity. I doubt they will return, but there is a small chance they will be used to trick Chuck in a future installment. It is not like it will be hard to get the actors back, right?

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