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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Blog Update 01.06.2021


Hey y’all. It’s been a while since there’s been an official Blog Update as I’ve been doing updates at the beginning of News Roundup pieces. Well, there wasn’t enough news this week to do one of those so we’re doing a more traditional update. It’s just a couple quick but important things.

The first is that, as announced in Monday’s Comic Reviews, Featured Reviews were planned to go on hiatus. Unfortunately, the weekly Comic Reviews are going on hiatus as well. I had a huge expense come up and that is drained a lot of spare funds I had. Those reviews are not typically my most popular posts (although sometimes they are), but I enjoy writing them a lot. I may write a few reviews based on the older comics that I have, but this is an extremely busy month for me, and I have some other plans for those holes in the schedule.

Before getting to that, I would like to remind everyone about the Patreon and Ko-fi. If you like what I do here, I urge you to support those ways. Those links are always at the top of the page. Of course, if you are not financially able to support, don’t. But if everyone that reads this supported with $1 per month, it would revolutionize the site by allowing me to cover a more diverse set of topics and improve the website itself. Those are the goals on the Patreon right now and I would love to be able to do more for y’all, but I need some help with it.

First is that I’m moving up my 2020 Year In Review series. Like last year, I am going to list the best of a number of subjects (movies, comics, video games, and TV series). They will be happening weekly now instead of crammed into the short span of time I had planned. That starts Friday.

While that series is the biggest change, it still leaves a few openings. As of now, I plan a Tenet review for one of those but that may wait for some time later this year. Speaking of this year, next Thursday is the third anniversary of Defender of the Multiverse! I’m going to put out a celebratory post that day that will also include some of the plans I have for the next year. So, look forward to that.

Those are the important updates for today. As always, feel free to contact here or on Twitter. I do really appreciate everyone that takes time to read this and any other post I do. It means a lot to me. I’ll catch y’all tomorrow for the next Supernatural review>


Much Love,


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