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Friday, January 8, 2021

Supernatural Season 15 Episode 14 Review

‘Last Holiday’ follows a classic Supernatural template. There is something that has been hanging around as a normal part of the show and we learn about its secret use/history. That thing is, unexpectedly, the bunker this time. Plus, it is a comedic episode. Unfortunately, I did not much care for this episode.

While fixing the plumbing, Dean accidentally releases a wood nymph while fixing the pipes. She used to take care of the Men of Letters because they were apparently incapable of cooking or doing their own laundry. Also, she killed monsters for them. So, when she senses Jack is not human, she decides he has to die. Of course, Sam and Dean do not let that happen and she is forced to return to her forest.

The entire Mrs. Butters plot is entirely boring and predictable, despite a few good gags. It does serve one important purpose though and that is to have Dean reckon with the fact he has always held Jack at arm’s length because he is Lucifer’s son and a killer of Dean’s mother. Dean has always felt they may have to kill Jack someday, to the degree that he almost did last season.

Here, Dean is given the opportunity to do it and it is clear he still feels some kind of way about Jack, but he also views him as a son of his own. Plus, they kind of need him to kill God. So, while it never felt like Dean would let Jack die, the situation did force a reconciliation.

They did not kill Mrs. Butters either and that was a nice twist. She just gets to go back to being a wood nymph. And maybe a hunter as well? I am really unclear on if she can just turn that part of her brain. Long-term torture and training are not something that is easily thrown away like that. I doubt we will see or hear from here again, so it does not matter.

A quick interesting note, the ginormous telescope that has been hanging out in the background of the bunker for years is actually an interuniversal telescope. However, when Dean looked through it, he did not see anything. Guess Chuck is just about done with the whole “destroy all other universes” thing. Team Free Will better figure out the plan before he gets back.

Best Quotes:

Sam: "Too bad we can't just call a plumber."
Dean: "Oh, yeah. Hey, Mario Brothers, yeah, could you come to the most secretive secure supernatural hideout in the world? Great, thanks. Go Luigi!"

Sam: "Even if she is what she says she is, a kind of..."
Dean: "Magic Roomba?"
Sam: "Whatever. Do you think it's a good idea having her around?"
Dean: "I mean, we do have the son of Satan living down the hall."

Dean: "Look at me. I'm the picture of health."
Sam: "Ignoring your trauma doesn't make you healthy."
Dean: "Sure it does."

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