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Friday, January 1, 2021

Supernatural Season 15 Episode 12 Review

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‘Galaxy Brain’ opens with Chuck monologuing to a small electronics store employee and we are once again thrown into the Meta Dimension. He talks about how he caught the creation bug and started making other universes after the main one—confirmed here as the OG—with different versions of the same characters in different scenarios. Unfortunately, playing in those sandboxes with those toys does not make him happy. Only our regular cast does. They are the “real” versions. So, he decides it is time to start tying up loose threads, failed spinoffs, etc. He is referring to the other Earths, but, as always, he is also acting as the writers’ mouthpiece because this episode resolves the plots setup in the backdoor pilot for Wayward Sisters two seasons ago.

Mostly, this means the return of Dark Kaia—and eventually regular Kaia. It also, seemingly, serves as the swan song for Jody Mills. She does not have a huge presence in this installment, but she gets some nice moments, mostly revolving around her adopted daughters. And she finally gets to meet Castiel! I had not even realized they never met over the course of the last decade. They even share a scene about how they are both adoptive parents.

Chuck’s definition of tying up loose ends is a bit different than the writers’—as much as it can be—though. He sets out to destroy every universe he has created before returning to finish the first one. This is a good excuse to keep Chuck out of the story for a while and build tension and I really dug it. He probably does not pelt every universe with meteors though, right? He may be a hack, but he can come up with numerous endings.

Whatever Chuck’s plan for Earth One is, it may not matter. Billie has a plan and we are reminded here that the previous Death told Dean he would one day reap God. Now that responsibility falls to Billie and she reveals that He has a book detailing His death and she is here to fulfill it. This is an especially interesting idea in a season about fate vs free will. Are the books detailing everyone’s death not a form of fate? They can be influenced and changed so it is debatable. I wish one of the characters would bring this up, but I understand they are all extremely desperate.

This episode does also bring up that Jack is missing is soul. That seems like something that will be the focus of an upcoming episode. He does a good job feigning emotions though; a much better job than Sam back in the sixth season. Jack additionally is not allowed to use his powers so as to not alert Chuck to his revival. Of course, they came up with a narrative solution to it this episode, but it seems unlikely to happen in future episodes unless Sam memorized the spell.

This was an excellent episode. I do hope it does not preclude one more appearance by Jody. It would be nice to see Alex again too. Claire is a super important character despite her somewhat limited screen time, and it would be unfortunate if she does not appear in this season. Kathryn Newton probably being really busy combined with the pandemic likely made it hard for her to return, but I hope they found a way.  At the very least, show me the happy family in a montage.


Best Quotes:

Chuck: It’s time for a monologue.”

Chuck: "It's time to clear the board. All the other worlds, alternate realities, the subplots, the failed spin-offs… it's time to start cancelling shows."

Dean: "How you feeling about this?"
Sam: "Honestly? Feels like we're taking a big, probably stupid risk. Feels good. Disobeying cosmic entities, doing the dumb, right thing? Feels like we're back."


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