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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Supernatural Season 15 Episode 10 Review


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‘The Heroes’ Journey’ may be the most metatextual episode in an inherently metatextual season of one of the most clever, metatextual shows ever. Now that God has forsaken the boys, they have lost their plot armor and the benefits of being the protagonists. It is mostly the little things like Baby needing new spark plugs and Sam catching a cold, but its all things that do not happen here. Now, one could assume they happen offscreen, but the hilarity of this episode made it worthwhile.

I loved it. Although I can see why some would not. This episode is heavy on jokes and light on plot. This makes it both a perfect way to release some tension and lull viewers into a false sense of security. Sam and Dean do not solve their problem this episode, although I cannot imagine it lasting much longer. This light attitude does make this a strange companion to the prior nine episodes this season, though

I had not noticed how dour this season (and the back part of last season) has been until the scene this episode where Dean has an anesthetic-induced dream where he tap dances with Garth. The only moment even approaching that amount of levity was Dean and Lee Webb singing Good Ol’ Boys in ‘Last Call’ and that episode turned dark quick. Because of that, this episode does feel somewhat out of place. But, I mean, how can you be super serious when DJ Qualls is around? The man just radiates this goofy joy.

Speaking of Garth, he retired and settled down years ago, although he has been called back into action a couple times. Here we see he has three kids, Gertie, Sam, and Castiel. The last one is especially great because he has never spoken to Castiel (onscreen) and Dean, understandably, thought the kid would be Dean’s namesake after learning his twin was named Sam. Also, Garth is a werewolf dentist because he radiates Hermey-but-good energy and they have nowhere else to go.

Garth even manages to save the day at the end because Sam and Dean do not how to not rely on their protagonist luck. The boys got captured by the head of Monster Fight Club and Garth showed up just in the nick of time to rescue them and blow up the monsters. All in a day’s work for everyone’s favorite werewolf dentist. If this is the last we see of Garth, Bess, and the pups it will have been a good exit. Hopefully, we get one more look at them being a happy family, even if only in a brief montage.

Best Quotes:

Gertie, referring to Sam: "Mommy, the giant's crying."

Garth: "Oh, no no no. I want to be the guest star. Being the hero sucks. I mean sure, you'll probably win eventually, but until you do, your life blows. Your parents get gunned down in an alleyway, your home planet gets blown up, you interview this good looking rich guy and it doesn't go well so he shows up at the hardware store where you work and man, it starts to get, you know…"
Bess: "It's, um, we love Fifty Shades."
Garth: "Yeah, we do."

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