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Friday, January 1, 2021

Supernatural Season 15 Episode 11 Review


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‘The Gamblers’ finally, finally answers one of my longest-held questions: If God exists, why are there gods and what purpose do they serve? That is not, at all, the point of this episode but it is what I latched onto most. That and the Winchesters got their plot armor back—functionally, not literally. Now they can get back finding a way to defeat Chuck.

Luckily for Team Free Will, Billie has a plan and it began with Jack returning from the Empty. She sent him after the remaining Grigori’s hearts to make him stronger, making me wonder: Is Jack going to fight Chuck? Is he going to trap him somewhere singlehandedly? It has been implied in the past that no one really knows the upper limits a Nephilim’s power so that is a possible solution. Plus, Chuck made it pretty clear he is afraid of Jack when he shot him. Should make for an interesting second half.

Elsewhere in an Alaskan pool hall, Sam and Dean have stumbled upon a luck-betting scam. They end up playing Fortuna, the Roman goddess of luck, for enough luck to get them back to their previous levels. Sam wins this contest by distracting Fortuna and getting her to explain where the lowercase-g gods came from. They sprang from the beliefs of humans. At first God hated them for taking attention away from Him. Then He had the brilliant realization that they also took the blame for Him and decided they could stay. It makes perfect sense and I am just happy they actually explained this.

Anyway, Fortuna convinces Sam to do double or nothing, but Sam wants his double if he wins to be enough luck to fix everyone in the pool hall. Fortuna agrees and quickly trounces our hero. As the boys are about to leave, defeated, everyone in the building comes out and explains Fortuna gave them their luck because she thought heroes died with Hercules, but the Winchesters are certainly heroes. Thus, their luck problem is solved.

Of course, the best scene in the entire episode was the final one when Sam and Dean return home. There, they find Jack has returned and the looks on their faces are incredible. It really is a reminder that Jack is not only the sole permanent addition to the cast since Castiel, he is the best, regular or guest. Turning Castiel, Dean, and Sam into dads made perfect sense with where their characters were at the time. Plus, they are the only (mostly) good dads in a 15 season series about dads. Alexander Calvert came in and had immediate chemistry with the cast and continues to do a brilliant job in his limited screen.

This was another fun episode, making it two in a row, a first for this season. It even ended on a hopeful note. That is an interesting choice coming out of the confrontation with Chuck where it seemed all hope was lost. He is currently “off planet” somewhere. That can only portend bad things. We will have to wait for next episode to find out. Luckily for y’all, that is coming later today! We have got a double billing. Catch you then.

Best Quotes:

Fortuna: "When I play someone, I get a read on them. And you – you're just a beach read. Sexy, mm, but skimmable."
Dean: "Beach read? Lady, I'm Tolstoy."

Sam: "No no no. No no no no no. No way."
Dean: "Man, I've been slinging pool cues since before you were born."
Sam: "What? When you were four? Really? What, between nap time and snack?"

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