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Friday, October 30, 2020

The Mandalorian Shows It has No New Ideas In Middling Return

The two-part finale of the first season of The Mandalorian was, by far, the best part of the show. In fact, one could argue they were the only episodes that were of above average quality. But one would also have to acknowledge that the hints of where the series was headed were intriguing and full of potential. Under those expectations, one would have been disappointed at the lack of ambition and forward momentum in the extra long opener of season two. Guess what? It’s me; I am one.

Full Spoilers for this episode lie ahead. You've been warned.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

News Roundup 10.28.2020


Hey y’all. I’ve got a schedule change to announce. As you may have noticed, this is a News Roundup post going up on a Wednesday when it has previously been on Fridays. Well, I’ve decided to do weekly reviews of the second season of The Mandalorian. I wanted to do them day of because I had a lot of fun doing something similar with Game of Thrones. Those were morning after reviews but Mandalorian releases much earlier in the day so it’s feasible to do it on the same day.

Because of that, News posts are going to be moving to Wednesday. Featured Reviews will remain on Sunday and Comic Reviews will continue on Mondays. I will be putting out another post or two every week, likely on Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday. There’s going to be a lot going on here and I’m super excited by it.  

That’s all for announcements. Let’s get to the news!


Monday, October 26, 2020

Comic Reviews 10.26.2020


Hey y’all. Welcome to event central. Its all events all the time this week. There were some very good X-Men comics this week. Also, an issue of Amazing Spider-Man, which I want to love so much. I really have enjoyed Nick Spencer’s run, but these past two issues haven’t allowed me to share that with you. Hopefully next issue brings more quality. Don’t forget to check out this week’s Featured Review covering the finale of Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. Take a moment to read that, then come back for these reviews. They’ll still be her. I promise.

Captain Britain has no time for BS

Spoilers for: Excalibur #13, X-Men #13, Amazing Spider-Man #50.LR

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Featured Review: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers #55

Writer: Ryan Parrott

Artist: Moises Hidalgo

Colors: Igor Monti

Color Assistance: Sabrina Del Grosso

Letters: Ed Dukeshire

Cover: Jamal Campbell

Finally, mercifully, this comic has ended. There is no reason why. No story came to an end. No event will mark a clear delineation.  No new creative team. It just ends because the powers that be decided they wanted to relaunch and split the series into two poorly named continuations.

Full Spoilers for the issue. You’ve been warned.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Comic Reviews 10.19.2020

Hey y’all! We’ve got an all Marvel edition of the reviews this week. I did read a few indie titles this week, including Commanders in Crisis. That comic was dreadfully boring, but the cliffhanger may have me come back for a second issue. Overall, it was a good week of comics. Don’t forget to check out this week’s Featured Review, The Flash #763 which is the beginning of the post-Joshua Williamson era.


Somehow there were 0 swords collected this week

Spoilers for: Hellions #5, New Mutants #13, Cable #5, Amazing Spider-Man #50

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Featured Review: The Flash #763


Writer: Kevin Schinick

Artist: Clayton Henry

Color: Marcelo Maiolo

Letters: Steve Wands

Cover: Bernard Chang and Maiolo


The Flash #762 marked the end Joshua Williamson’s 4-year run on the book. In that time, he wrote 100 issues of the bimonthly series, 3 annuals, 2 event tie-ins starring Flash, and 3 Batman crossover issues, all with a rotation of incredibly talented artists. Many consider it not only one of the best Flash runs ever, but one of the best comic runs ever. That’s a lot to live up to. Does the new creative team do it?

Full Spoilers for the issue. You’ve been warned.

Friday, October 16, 2020

News Roundup 10.16.2020

This isn't news; I just think its cool

Hey y’all. We have so much exciting news this week. I can’t wait to discuss it. First, I wanted to let everyone know the Featured Review this weekend will be The Flash #763 so come back Sunday to check out my thoughts on the beginning of the Kevin Shinick-Clayton Henry era. Anyway, he’s my thoughts on the news of the week!

Monday, October 12, 2020

Comic Reviews 10.12.2020


Hey y’all. Welcome back to my biggest Comic Reviews yet! That’s mostly because it’s three weeks worth of issues, including every X of Swords issue thus far. It was a ton of fun to work on and I hope you enjoy. I’m back from my (unexpected) hiatus so expect regular posts. Before we jump in, check out this moving tribute to Chadwick Boseman that ran in every Marvel comic this week.


Spoilers For: X of Sords: Creation #1, X-Factor #4, Wolverine #6, X-Force #13, Marauders #13, Miles Morales #19, The Flash #762, Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers #54

