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Sunday, October 25, 2020

Featured Review: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers #55

Writer: Ryan Parrott

Artist: Moises Hidalgo

Colors: Igor Monti

Color Assistance: Sabrina Del Grosso

Letters: Ed Dukeshire

Cover: Jamal Campbell

Finally, mercifully, this comic has ended. There is no reason why. No story came to an end. No event will mark a clear delineation.  No new creative team. It just ends because the powers that be decided they wanted to relaunch and split the series into two poorly named continuations.

Full Spoilers for the issue. You’ve been warned.

For the past 20 or so issues of this series and the since finished Go Go Power Rangers, we have been following both the classic Mighty Morphin’ team and the new Omega team. Since that story concluded in Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #50, this series has continued to follow both teams but in the worst way possible.

It looks good at least
While issues 50-53 featured some interesting character moments, they didn’t advance the story in any meaningful despite #51 setting up several stories that either were just filling time until the relaunch or will play out in the reboot.

Take for example, the new Green Ranger. The final issues of Go Go hinted there would be a new Green Ranger. Then BOOM! Announced they would be relaunching the line with Mighty Morphin’ and Power Rangers and the focus of Mighty Morphin’ will be said new ranger. Next, issue 51 of this series has Billy working with Grace to recreate the green sword. Finally, in this issue, we seen the ranger’s debut. Except we don’t know who it is just more setup for the relaunch.

Gee I wonder who it could be
As for the plot that does seemingly end here, the Dark Rangers, it’s a huge letdown. They came basically from nowhere four issues ago, they fought the Power Rangers once, and now they’re gone. Their purpose was to pose such a great threat that the new Green needed to be activated to set up the plot for a different comic. That in itself is an issue. The even bigger issue is that it isn’t executed well and thus falls flat.

The Dark Rangers are never a threat. Our heroes are just inexplicably incompetent to make Grace and Probably Matt (the new ranger) look good. It’s not good storytelling and it really make the arrival of a new ranger—traditionally a very exciting time in Power Rangers—dull.

No one wants a dull comic. No one wants a dull story arc. Definitely no one wants a dull story arc that didn’t need to exist and doesn’t conclude in the final issue of the series. Hopefully Mighty Morphin’ and Power Rangers actually do something with their stories. We’ll find out next month.

As always, feel free to give your thoughts in the comments or on Twitter at @alexraysnyder. And if you like what you read here, consider throwing a couple bucks my way on Patreon to help cover costs.


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