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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

News Roundup 10.28.2020


Hey y’all. I’ve got a schedule change to announce. As you may have noticed, this is a News Roundup post going up on a Wednesday when it has previously been on Fridays. Well, I’ve decided to do weekly reviews of the second season of The Mandalorian. I wanted to do them day of because I had a lot of fun doing something similar with Game of Thrones. Those were morning after reviews but Mandalorian releases much earlier in the day so it’s feasible to do it on the same day.

Because of that, News posts are going to be moving to Wednesday. Featured Reviews will remain on Sunday and Comic Reviews will continue on Mondays. I will be putting out another post or two every week, likely on Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday. There’s going to be a lot going on here and I’m super excited by it.  

That’s all for announcements. Let’s get to the news!


Raya and the Last Dragon Was Announced

I don’t have much to say about this one, but I wanted to acknowledge it because this movie likely a ton of money and be a very big deal when it releases in March. It does seem cool and has an interesting aesthetic, but Walt Disney Animation hasn’t made anything above average since Big Hero 6 in 2014 and there is no indication this will change that. But it could be an instant classic, so I’ll probably give it a shot.


The New Batwoman Costume Was Revealed

This summer it was announced that Ruby Rose was leaving Batwoman and instead of recasting her part, the show would create an original character to be Batwoman. Enter Javica Leslie as Ryan Wilder to be said replacement. Previously, they had released a picture of Leslie in the season one suit but this our first look at her personalized suit.

It looks incredible. From the red-tipped wig to the powerful looking gauntlets, this is it. This the look. It smartly stays close to the original while changing the details to fit a new character and style. I was pretty down on the show’s prospects following Rose’s exit, but this reveal has me (and many others) enthusiastic to see the new Batwoman in action.

The New Red Hood Costume Was Revealed

The third season of Titans is currently filming, and they decided to reveal not only that Jason Todd will don the Red Hood costume but also show what it looks like. It looks really cool. The leather jacket over a hoodie over body armor look somehow doesn’t seem like too many layers, which is to say that the costume designers over there still know what they’re doing and do it well. Now I just need to catch on season two.

Destruction AllStars Has Been Delayed

You probably don’t care about this because you probably don’t know what Destruction AllStars is. Well, that’s why it’s being delayed. You see, this game was set to release alongside the PlayStation 5 for $70. That’s about two weeks from now. If you check out the video above, you’ll the only footage of this game on the internet. It’s from early June and doesn’t show much in the way gameplay. Having realized the game would flop hard, Sony pushed the release back to February.

Now, I normally don’t think delays are good. They typically are a sign of poor project management (See the Cyberpunk section). In this case, it seems the developers have done everything they can to get their game ready, but the higher ups haven’t marketed it. Now they have the chance to do a proper marketing push. And they can try to hit it big like Rocket League and Fall Guys because they it will be free for two months on PlayStation Plus.

This gives me hope for a game that seemed destined to fail. Clearly Sony believes in it to some degree and don’t make much in the way of bad games. It will most definitely worth a try for free, so I’m kind of excited now for a game I never planned to buy. Funny how that works.

Cyberpunk 2077 Has Been Delayed

This is obviously the biggest piece of news here. It sucks. Not just because people will have to wait longer to play. I don’t really care about that, honestly. It’s just a few weeks. For employees, its an extra few 100-hour work weeks though. After promising not to have no crunch on this game, CD Projekt Red has had it’s team work long hours for months, culminating the recent increase to 80+ hour weeks.

The game has been delayed several times as it was initially set to arrive in April. That many delays and that many hours of over time means whoever is in charge shouldn’t be. It’s that simple. They can’t manage a project. They can’t treat their employees properly.

The game has already “gone gold”, meaning they’re printing discs as you read this. What could possibly be the reason you need to work that long for the next month and a half? In all likelihood, the game is bad. Whatever is on that disc is so bad or unstable that it will not live up to expectations. Maybe I’m wrong. Hopefully, I’m wrong; I want the people excited for this to be happy with the result. I just don’t expect it.

As always, feel free to give your thoughts in the comments or on Twitter at @alexraysnyder. And if you like what you read here, consider throwing a couple bucks my way on Patreon to help cover costs.


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