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Monday, April 29, 2019

Game of Thrones: The Long Night Thoughts

               Well, that was an unexpected mess. But you know what? MY. GIRL. ARYA. I was so ready to end this episode in tears because I had convinced myself that she was a goner. I had also convinced myself that this was still an early season of the show when it had teeth and would occasionally kill a prominent character. But this show is not that show. This is a straight up fantasy show that hates the fantasy aspects of itself now and that is ultimately the biggest weakness of Game of Thrones.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Comic Reviews 04.26.2019

               We’re back! And with some changes to the format. First, I’m going to stop Comic of the Week. I don’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would. The other thing is that these articles will now focus on new comics from the given week instead of whatever I read that week. I want to be a bit more topical. And there aren’t many comics this week. So, let’s jump straight in! And, as always, Spoilers.

Comics reviewed: Action Comics #1010, Age of X-Man: X-Tremists #3, Heroes in Crisis #8

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Swamp Thing Full Trailer

               A full trailer! I really enjoyed this trailer even though it barely tells us anything new. There were a few things that did stand out though. Starting with the tone. This looks like a straight-up horror show. I’m not a huge horror fan, but something about this has grabbed me. I mean, just look at that shot of the vines snaking through the water as Swamp Thing sneaks up on a boat. Its super cool. We also get to see what I presume is Anton Arcane and a creature from The Rot although those might be the same thing. The Rot looks suitably gross and Arcane is stabbing someone… several times. This seems like I series I will enjoy and look forward to covering for y’all. Bring on the swamp monster!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Game of Thrones: A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms Thoughts


               I didn’t plan to do weekly posts about Game of Thrones, but here I am, writing about the newest episode for the second straight week. This time, we’ll be going over “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms,” the second episode of the final season. This was a setup episode. In terms of plot, not much happened until the final minutes, but this episode featured a number of probable send-offs and commiserations about various characters’ most likely biting it in the next episode.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Swamp Thing Teaser Trailer

               Here comes a Swamp Thing television series. I had honestly forgotten this series existed until I saw this trailer. I have never been a huge fan of the character though. I read part of Alan Moore’s run on the character. It was fine. I also read Scott Snyder’s run. It was also fine. I’ve seen Swamp Thing show up in a number of other series. He’s a neat character.

               Given the fact that James Wan is producing this series, and the look of the trailer, I assume this will be a horror influenced show. Which I think will be a neat change up from other superhero shows. Although I have yet to watch Doom Patrol, I really enjoyed Titans even for all its pacing problems. And Young Justice is just fantastic. So, the DC Universe app is killing it on the TV side. On the comics side… less so, but that’s a different post.

               Swamp Thing will be here in late May and I am here for it. Even if this trailer doesn’t have anything in it. I look forward to the first full trailer and, eventually, the show. And I promise to watch Doom Patrol and let y’all know how it is!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Game of Thrones: Winterfell Thoughts


               So, Game of Thrones is back. And it was the best episode in some time. “Winterfell” was a fantastic episode with a lot of reunions (All of Arya’s are the best because she’s the best) and setup for the adventure to come. This episode mirrored the pilot in a number of ways, and I think that helped the series return to the basics of what it was and leave behind the general messiness of the previous season.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Shazam! Review

               Hey y’all. Let’s talk about the best superhero movie since Captain Marvel: The OG Captain Marvel. I’m sure you know by now what’s up with that, but if you don’t, check out this excellent writeup from Micah Peters. I’m going to be trying a straight up essay-style review for this one instead of the impactful moments list of Captain Marvel. Just to see how I feel about the two. Let’s begin!

Spoilers Ahead

Friday, April 12, 2019

Star Wars Episode IX Trailer

               So, I was going to put out my Shazam! review today, but then there was a new Star Wars trailer. And since this is my blog, I’m going to push the Shazam! article to tomorrow and we’re gonna talk about the trailer today. Enjoy:

               So, here’s the thing. I love The Last Jedi. Is it perfect? No, but it attempted to begin breaking out the mold of past films in the series, while reusing some of the old tropes. That’s good, and the only way this series will survive long-term. This film appears to be undoing that and cranking the nostalgia meter way up. Why is Kylo repairing his helmet? I thought he grew out of that? Rey has Anakin’s lightsaber even though it was shredded in the emotional climax of the previous film. Can we get Rey her own lightsaber? Everyone else gets their own. And then Palpatine is back I guess? Who asked for that? He wasn’t even an interesting antagonist the first five times.

               Also, what is that first scene in the trailer? It sure looks cool, but what is happening? Why would Rey turn, get in some strange sprinter stance, take off, and then jump over and presumably slice the ship? Wouldn’t it make more sense to stand your ground and either slice the ship or jump over it and slice it from that position? But it looks cool.

There are some positives here though: Finn, Poe, and Chewie are back. That’s cool. That’s about all I got for the positives. I’m still going to see this film. Hopefully it isn’t as bad as this trailer seems. I’d like to enjoy this film because I like Star Wars.

Also, the title is dumb.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Blog Update 04.11.2019

Hey y’all! I wanted to a quick update on a few things going on with the blog. There has been minimal posts over the last week or so and I apologize. I’ve had a ton of school work. I’ll be posting this today and then my Shazam! thoughts will be up tomorrow. Comic reviews will be back Sunday. I have a couple changes to the comics I’ll be covering; I’ll go into details in that post .

There is also going to a change up in scheduling. Starting next Monday, I’ll be switching posts to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Monday and Wednesday will be whatever I want to talk about and Friday will be the Weekly Comic Reviews. And if I want to post on a different day, I will as well. This schedule should allow me to be more consistent and better manage my time with the blog.

And our last announcement is that I have been credentialed for Denver Pop Culture Con! So I’m a legitimate member of the media. Neat. I’ve been to this convention once before back when it was Denver Comic Con. That was in 2013 or 2014. I had a good time. I’m excited to be covering it as member of the media and seeing how it’s changed. I have some ideas about what I want to write, but am open to just seeing what's there. So expect some posts about that in early June.

So, that’s it for this month's updates. I haven’t planned on doing monthly updates, but that’s how it’s been thus far. I do like writing these things though so we’ll see. They probably won’t be monthly eventually, but I plan to keep publishing them occasionally as long as I am doing this blog.

Anyway, y’all have a good day and I’ll see you back here tomorrow for Shazam! thoughts.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Shazam! is out!

               I went with my roommates to see Shazam! Last night. It was really good, and I recommend that everyone go see it. Especially if any of the trailers has piqued your curiosity. All the things that look good and interesting are followed through on. The cast is excellent, but poor Mark Strong and Djimon Hounsou are given parts far below their capability as in Green Lantern and Guardians of the Galaxy, respectively. Let’s get those two real parts in one these films. Especially Hounsou; that guy has had small roles that should go to much less talented actors (Like half the casts of those two aforementioned films). Anyway, everybody go see Shazam! and I’ll have my full thoughts on the film early next week.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Joker Trailer

               So, we get the first Joker trailer and… it’s a whole lot of nothing. There is no plot in this trailer, unless you count watching Joaquin Phoenix get beat up a bunch plot. In that case, sure. I never had interest in this film because I don’t find the Joker a particularly interesting character (With a few exceptions). I definitely didn’t need an origin story film for him. I’ll probably see this film because I know people that will want to see it, but I don’t see anything unique or interesting except a brief glimpse of Zazie Beetz. She’s a fun actress, but not a big enough draw in what feels like might not be a meaty part. Although I might be assuming too much. Either way, I have next to zero interest. And if this launches a Joker-focused franchise, I swear…
