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Friday, April 12, 2019

Star Wars Episode IX Trailer

               So, I was going to put out my Shazam! review today, but then there was a new Star Wars trailer. And since this is my blog, I’m going to push the Shazam! article to tomorrow and we’re gonna talk about the trailer today. Enjoy:

               So, here’s the thing. I love The Last Jedi. Is it perfect? No, but it attempted to begin breaking out the mold of past films in the series, while reusing some of the old tropes. That’s good, and the only way this series will survive long-term. This film appears to be undoing that and cranking the nostalgia meter way up. Why is Kylo repairing his helmet? I thought he grew out of that? Rey has Anakin’s lightsaber even though it was shredded in the emotional climax of the previous film. Can we get Rey her own lightsaber? Everyone else gets their own. And then Palpatine is back I guess? Who asked for that? He wasn’t even an interesting antagonist the first five times.

               Also, what is that first scene in the trailer? It sure looks cool, but what is happening? Why would Rey turn, get in some strange sprinter stance, take off, and then jump over and presumably slice the ship? Wouldn’t it make more sense to stand your ground and either slice the ship or jump over it and slice it from that position? But it looks cool.

There are some positives here though: Finn, Poe, and Chewie are back. That’s cool. That’s about all I got for the positives. I’m still going to see this film. Hopefully it isn’t as bad as this trailer seems. I’d like to enjoy this film because I like Star Wars.

Also, the title is dumb.

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