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Monday, April 15, 2019

Game of Thrones: Winterfell Thoughts


               So, Game of Thrones is back. And it was the best episode in some time. “Winterfell” was a fantastic episode with a lot of reunions (All of Arya’s are the best because she’s the best) and setup for the adventure to come. This episode mirrored the pilot in a number of ways, and I think that helped the series return to the basics of what it was and leave behind the general messiness of the previous season.

               This episode begins with the Targaryen army arriving Winterfell and Jon Snow greeting his family and introducing them (except Arya) to his new girlfriend. Bran, who is now the low-key funniest character on the show, interrupts all the ceremony to let everyone know that there’s an army of the dead on the way and they need to prepare. And then everyone kinda ignores him. The rest of the episode focuses on character reunions and politics. Which is probably for the better.

               My two favorite reunions focus on maybe my favorite character, Arya. She was always close with Jon growing up and it was heartwarming watching them bounce off each other and recognize how far they have both come. I loved them comparing swords. Of course, this is Game of Thrones, so this scene couldn’t be perfectly happy. Sansa and Jon and having a tiff about Daenerys and Arya says she agree with Sansa. Jon doesn’t react poorly to this development but is disappointed and surprised that Arya sides with their sister.

               Arya does get a happy reunion with Gendry though. I loved this scene so much. Gendry is a fine character, but he makes Arya so happy. And Arya doesn’t get to be happy enough. They flirt a little in this scene before Arya leaves Gendry, a big smile on her face. It’s nice to see Maisie Williams get to have some fun. Arya is always in such depressing situations (Not that most characters aren’t, but she deserves more) and its just nice and refreshing.

               Daenerys in his episode was mildly frustrating. She walked into everyone expecting everyone to bend the knee to her when northerners are notoriously stubborn and separate. She was constantly giving Sansa dirty looks because Sansa rightfully doesn’t true Dany. And then there’s the dragon thing. Why was Dany (And the show) so chill about Jon about riding a dragon. HE RODE A FUCKING DRAGON. And Dany was very cavalier even though she is the only living person to have done such a thing. She just like, “Its easy. Climb up and hold on.” I believe that only those of Valyrian blood can ride dragons, right? Maybe that’s me getting the books and television confused though. It wouldn’t surprise me if that was a detail that didn’t make it to the adaptation. This whole sequence, while gorgeous, didn’t have the emotional impact I believe it wanted. The part at the end where Drogon stared disapproving at Jon while he kissed Dany was pretty funny though. I wonder how much money the effects for that shot cost.

               There are a couple other plots that I’m sure will be relevant soon, but they feel incredibly disjointed from the rest of this episode. The only one that feels important in the moment is the scene where Beric, Tormund, Dolorous Edd meet, and their friends meet up and find Lord Ned Umber staked to a wall surrounded by a spiral of body parts. I was legitimately surprised when Ned jumped at the group. Quick thinking by Beric to light the display on fire and really make it look like the Targaryen family crest. Which plays into my new favorite theory: The Night King is Aerys Targaryen. I saw this theory in several places today and it makes total sense to me.

               This was an excellent return to form for Game of Thrones even if there were some weak spots. I am more excited for the five remaining episodes than I was previously, which what you really want from an opener. Here’s to the future, may it be as fun as the past.

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