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Thursday, April 11, 2019

Blog Update 04.11.2019

Hey y’all! I wanted to a quick update on a few things going on with the blog. There has been minimal posts over the last week or so and I apologize. I’ve had a ton of school work. I’ll be posting this today and then my Shazam! thoughts will be up tomorrow. Comic reviews will be back Sunday. I have a couple changes to the comics I’ll be covering; I’ll go into details in that post .

There is also going to a change up in scheduling. Starting next Monday, I’ll be switching posts to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Monday and Wednesday will be whatever I want to talk about and Friday will be the Weekly Comic Reviews. And if I want to post on a different day, I will as well. This schedule should allow me to be more consistent and better manage my time with the blog.

And our last announcement is that I have been credentialed for Denver Pop Culture Con! So I’m a legitimate member of the media. Neat. I’ve been to this convention once before back when it was Denver Comic Con. That was in 2013 or 2014. I had a good time. I’m excited to be covering it as member of the media and seeing how it’s changed. I have some ideas about what I want to write, but am open to just seeing what's there. So expect some posts about that in early June.

So, that’s it for this month's updates. I haven’t planned on doing monthly updates, but that’s how it’s been thus far. I do like writing these things though so we’ll see. They probably won’t be monthly eventually, but I plan to keep publishing them occasionally as long as I am doing this blog.

Anyway, y’all have a good day and I’ll see you back here tomorrow for Shazam! thoughts.

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