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Monday, January 17, 2022

Blog Update: Third Anniversary!


Hey y’all. I’m three days late to this celebration, which is incredibly appropriate given how the last year has gone. But that doesn’t matter because we’re all here now. This will largely be a discussion of what I have planned for the upcoming year and the changes coming to the site soon.

Before that, I want to give a short list of the posts I am particularly proud or or just had extra fun writing in 2021. These are not the only ones I think were good or some such, but a small, entertaining group of posts. There are plenty more to find if you wish.

First up are all the WandaVision episode by episode reviews. It was extremely fun to participate in the one true zeitgeist capturing MCU TV series, even if I ultimately feel lukewarm about the venture. Of those write-ups, my favorite is easily the finale. I was able to express all my feelings about a supremely frustrating (but not irredeemable) series and feel it was one of my stronger outings of the year.

Next is the Featured Review of Batman: The Black Mirror, which covers the first story arc in one of my favorite Batman runs. It is a surprising arc as it is slow to introduce the overarching story in a way I did not remember. Plus, it has some of the best artists in the industry creating affecting, moody stories. If I have the opportunity, I would like to do more reviews of older material like this in the future.

The New Mutants had an all-time strange journey to release. When it finally arrived, it was a strange, wonderful film that was by no means perfect that served as a fitting conclusion to Fox’s X-Men film franchise. I tried to capture that in my review, though I felt I could have spent more time building out some aspects.

Now, let’s peer into the future. In the extreme short term, the second half of this month will feature the 2021 year in review. We’re doing things a little differently this year, though. Comics and video games will retain their standalone lists while t=television, movies, and anything else I come up with receive a combined list. This is largely due to the fact that if I made a list of the top, let’s say, 10 films I saw from 2021, it would be 90% of films I saw last year. Same goes for TV. Those pieces will be up in the coming weeks.

In the slightly longer term, This year is still the 20th anniversary of Kingdom Hearts and my plans for that celebration have changed but remain partially in place. Additionally, there is an anniversary event announced for early this year that could change those plans even more. That will likely come in March seeing as the original game released that month. I have some other ideas for longer/more ambitious series but have learned my lesson about announcing things before they are ready.

As for the more regular posts, Weekly Comic Reviews will be moving to Mondays for the time being. Featured Reviews will not be a guaranteed weekly column, though I expect it to appear more often than not. Only when there is a comic I particularly want to cover in an extended way will it appear. That could be either a new comic or an older one, as mentioned above. It has yet to be decided on which day they publish, though Friday or Sunday are most likely.

The more varied pieces like move reviews and general thoughts on various subjects will continue to be any of Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. That will start this week with a piece about The Matrix or the Spider-Man films, depending on which I am inspired to finish first. There is also an outside chance both go up this week, but my priority is getting one out with the first year in review.

So those are some of the plans for this year. Right now, my focus is on getting back into the flow of writing. I am excited for what’s coming this year, though. I hope y’all will join me; it’s gonna be fun!

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