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Thursday, January 6, 2022

Blog Update 01.06.2022


Hey y’all. Happy New Year! I apologize for the lack of updates for the past… six months or so? I had a lot going on that I’d rather not talk about. It’s all good now, but it has been a lot. Anyway, I am here to discuss what where the blog is at and what the immediate future looks like.

First, the anniversary of the website is coming up in eight days. There I will announce my plans for the 2022 as in years past. That will include a new schedule and types of posts I want to write as I have been rethinking my approach to this site. That will include some modified versions of old plans—Kingdom Hearts’ 20th anniversary is still coming—as well as brand new ones. There will also be a look back at the abbreviated year and what went well in 2021.

The traditional Year in Review posts will return in the coming weeks, though some categories may be modified as I have interacted with some forms of media very little (my poor, neglected streaming services). Some, I interacted with more than ever though and I am excited to share what I found.

Between now and the anniversary celebration, there will be a couple posts. Nothing super big, just a couple things I have had on my mind of late like Spider-Man: No Way Home and The Matrix. Maybe even something about recent comics, though that is a lot to fit into eight days where I will be working quite a bit of overtime. We’ll see what happens.

That’s the plan, with more plans to be announced in the future. I am super excited to be back. Thank you everyone for reading and I’ll see you again in a few days.

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