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Thursday, July 8, 2021

Blog Update 07.08.2021

Hey y’all. Been a while since there was a straight up Blog Update since I’ve been putting them in the openings of News Roundups. This one won’t be too long, but it is important as it is announcing the new publishing schedule! I have been struggling to get everything out in recent weeks due to my shifting personal schedule. So, we’re going to solve that.

Let’s start with Featured Reviews; those will be moving from Sundays to Fridays. This not only fits in my schedule better but will make the reviews timelier as they will come two or three days after the issue’s release. The Comic Reviews posts will be moving to Saturday, making them timelier as well.

The News Roundups will be remaining biweekly but moving to Monday. It feels like news always drops on Thursday and Friday so this will be a good middle ground keeping everyone relatively up to date on Mondays. Also, it’s a chill, easy post to ensure I have ready for that.

Finally, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday will feature at least one Feature per week. These could range from a Blog Update like this, a piece like the Loki article from last week, or a review like I did for Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Wonder Woman 1984. It will just depend on what I want to write about (and sometimes what is timely).

So, the schedule will be:

Monday- News Roundup (Biweekly), Feature (Occasional)

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday- Feature

Friday- Featured Reviews

Saturday- Weekly Comic Reviews

This will be effective immediately so tomorrow will have a Featured Review about X-Men #1, the following day will be the other comic reviews for this week, etc. There also could be a special News Roundup later today if Sony’s State of Play this afternoon has anything exceptionally noteworthy (Final Fantasy XVI or Forspoken, for example).

Anyway, that is all for this update. I’m very excited for this new release schedule and look forward to sharing it with you all. Thanks for reading!

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