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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

News Roundup 07.27.2021

Hey y’all. Welcome back to the news! We have a ton of news from throughout the pop culture landscape. This is a big one (1300+ words!). Also this past week, we had a Featured Review based on the newest Superman comic, Superman and the Authority and a Comic Reviews  piece about last week’s issues you can read before starting this week’s lot. Those were very fun and worth checking out.

Anyway, let’s get to the news!

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Comic Reviews 07.24.2021

Hey y’all. Welcome back! We have an interesting group of books to look at this week, including more DC issues than usual, especially if you count yesterday’s Featured Review of Superman and the Authority #1. I am not the biggest Grant Morrison fan in the world, but I have been a kick lately and been reading rather a lot from them. Their comics are always interesting, though not always to my taste so it was a fun issue to read and review.

Anyway, enough about Morrison. Let’s get to the reviews!


Spoilers for: Miles Morales; Spider-Man #28, Nightwing #81, The Flash #772

Friday, July 23, 2021

Featured Review: Superman and the Authority #1

Writer: Grant Morrison

Artist: Mikel Janin

Colors: Jordie Bellaire

Letters: Steve Wands

Cover: Janin

Around these parts, we have mixed feelings pertaining to Grant Morrison. Sometimes he produces genius writing like Batman Inc. Others he makes complete duds like Final Crisis. However, they both shine when Morrison’s strengths, which lie in characterization, are at the forefront. Luckily, the first issue of this miniseries leans on its characters as there is little in the way of plot.

Full Spoilers for Superman and the Authority #1.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Comic Reviews 07.17.2021

Hey y’all. We have a bunch of big extra-sized comics this week. Not sure how that happened, but I had nothing to say about the new Way of X and Excalibur issues so here we are. I liked all three to varying degrees, but generally found them to be engrossing both for what they contain and what they imply about the future. Its not often I am excited for the big events at any publisher, but they’ve got me hooked right now.

Anyway, on to the reviews!

Spoilers for: The Flash 2021 Annual #1, Infinite Frontier #2, Sinister War #1

Monday, July 12, 2021

News Roundup 07.12.2021

Hey y'all. Welcome to the new Monday version of the News Roundup. We have a ton of big announcements to discuss, from comics to TV to...whiskey? Look, there's a lot going on here so I won't hold here too long. Onto the news!

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Comic Reviews 07.10.2021

 Hey y’all. Welcome to the brand new Saturday Edition of Comic Reviews! It’s an exciting time! There were some pretty good comics this week, including X-Men #1, the star of yesterday’s Featured Review. I also checked out Ordinary Gods, Kyle Higgins and Felipe Watanabe’s new series. It was alright. Interesting enough for me to come back next month but not so interesting I felt compelled to write about it.

Anyway, onto the reviews!

Spoilers for: X-Force #22, Amazing Spider-Man #70

Friday, July 9, 2021

Featured Review: X-Men #1

Writer: Gerry Duggan

Artists: Pepe Larraz

Colors: Marte Gracia

Letters: VC’s Clayton Cowles

Designer: Tom Muller

Cover: Larraz and Gracia

For the last two years, Jonathon Hickman has been playing a mean joke. He wrote a comic titled X-Men, not because it was about the eponymous group but because—as was revealed some issues sin—it was about the resurrection of the team and the place it occupies in both mutant society and the larger world. The joke is finally over, and the X-Men are back and better than they have been in some time!

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Blog Update 07.08.2021

Hey y’all. Been a while since there was a straight up Blog Update since I’ve been putting them in the openings of News Roundups. This one won’t be too long, but it is important as it is announcing the new publishing schedule! I have been struggling to get everything out in recent weeks due to my shifting personal schedule. So, we’re going to solve that.

Let’s start with Featured Reviews; those will be moving from Sundays to Fridays. This not only fits in my schedule better but will make the reviews timelier as they will come two or three days after the issue’s release. The Comic Reviews posts will be moving to Saturday, making them timelier as well.

The News Roundups will be remaining biweekly but moving to Monday. It feels like news always drops on Thursday and Friday so this will be a good middle ground keeping everyone relatively up to date on Mondays. Also, it’s a chill, easy post to ensure I have ready for that.

Finally, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday will feature at least one Feature per week. These could range from a Blog Update like this, a piece like the Loki article from last week, or a review like I did for Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Wonder Woman 1984. It will just depend on what I want to write about (and sometimes what is timely).

So, the schedule will be:

Monday- News Roundup (Biweekly), Feature (Occasional)

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday- Feature

Friday- Featured Reviews

Saturday- Weekly Comic Reviews

This will be effective immediately so tomorrow will have a Featured Review about X-Men #1, the following day will be the other comic reviews for this week, etc. There also could be a special News Roundup later today if Sony’s State of Play this afternoon has anything exceptionally noteworthy (Final Fantasy XVI or Forspoken, for example).

Anyway, that is all for this update. I’m very excited for this new release schedule and look forward to sharing it with you all. Thanks for reading!
