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Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Comic Reviews 03.23.2021


Hey y’all. We’ve got a small one this week. I wanted to cover more issues but found myself with little to say about most. Superman Red & Blue #1 is mostly good anthology with some of the coolest art you’ll see. Radiant Black #2 is really good, but not in any way that needs to be discussed. Next week will definitely be bigger though. It will feature Amazing Spider-Man, Miles Morales: Spider-Man, Power Rangers, the debut of Teen Titans Academy, and maybe a few more. Plus, Detective Comics #1034 will get a Featured Review this Sunday. It will be an exciting week for comics.

I might have a Zack Snyder’s Justice League post this Friday. I just have to find the time to rewatch it and make sure I have my ducks in a row, which is quite a time commitment.

Anyway, let’s get to the reviews!

I needed somewhere to put this meet-cute so here.

Spoilers for: Justice League #59, Nightwing #78


Justice League #59

Writers: Brian Michael Bendis; Ram V

Artists: David Marquez; Xermanico

Colors: Tamra Bonvillain; Romulo Fajardo Jr.

Letters: Josh Reed; Rob Leigh

Cover: Marquez and Bonvillain


Someone on the editing team constrained Bendis. This may be the most efficient issue of his career despite having four double-page spreads. There are few, if any, moments that feel extraneous, something the writer has struggled with in recent months (years?). Every character and action beat feels perfectly placed and the plot feels like it already has momentum. Big ups to Andrea Shea, Alex R. Carr, Jamie S. Rich, or all of the above for helping curb some of Bendis’ idiosyncrasies.

Of course, the presence of Marquez, with whom Bendis has done some of his best work, helps with that. He is at the top of his game in this issue with inventive page layouts and excellent character work. The art sets a consistent, measured pace that keeps the story moving. If Superman Red & Blue has come out any other time, this would be easily the best-looking comic of the week.

Very cool panel borders
The one problem is this calls into doubt the existence of the long-teased Naomi Season Two. This issue makes clear that the first threat featured in this series will be from her home dimension, likely leading to a further exploration of that dangling plot. There is a possibility this is simply another tease that will lead into that comic, but after two years without any news, it has become unlikely that will materialize anytime soon.

This issue also features the first installment of the Justice League Dark backup. It is a continuation of (prequel to?) the Future State story starring the team. Merlin has returned and plans to conquer the world while Jason Blood, Constantine, and Zatanna have to stop. There is also not one, but two prophecies here. It is all quite good, but nothing is particularly standout yet. Xermanico and Fajardo Jr. do an excellent job of setting the tone of this comic, though I wonder how long Xermanico will be a part of this tale as he has a big event coming soon.


Nightwing #78

Writer: Tom Taylor

Artist: Bruno Redondo

Colors: Adriano Lucas

Letters: Wes Abbott

Cover: Redondo

Nightwing is back! And he brought an overwhelming amount of pathos with him! I will not lie, I got real misty-eyed during this issue, for two reasons. The first is these creators truly understand the characters they are working with. That is something that has not been able to be said since Tim Seeley left the series several years ago. Dick has been through a series of bizarre storylines that largely went nowhere in the intervening time. While it is possible this run heads in that direction, it certainly feels as if there is a plan in place that makes sense for the characters being used.

I'm bawling
The second is the letter Alfred left Dick. Not only is it beautifully written, the art sells an incredibly intimate moment with little details like focusing on Barbara offering her hand to hold in that way you do just to let loved ones know you are there if they need anything. It feels as though the entire creative team knew how important this moment would be for both the subjects of the scene and readers. It is subtly powerful.

It also sets forth a new status quo for Nightwing. He is rich. I mean, richer than he was previously. He has just been a (more or less) regular dude for a while, so this is a fun turn as Batman loses much of his wealth over in his various series. There is also an implication that Dick will likely use it in more direct and useful ways than his mentor. It should be exciting to see what comes from that.

I just hope Alfred left some money for his daughter, whom he loved dearly.


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