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Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Supernatural Season 15 Episode 17 Review

‘Unity’ is the episode I expected last time. In that review, I mentioned that I expected at least one more huge twist. It sure happened. But before that, Sam and Dean—and Castiel-- approached their predicament in fundamentally different ways. Not in any unexpected ways, especially coming off the end of last episode, but still profoundly different, putting on display the group’s mindset and beliefs.

The episode is strangely split into discreet acts that each have a title card. I have no idea why, but it was a fun changeup to have concurrent plotlines going but only seeing one at a time. The first segment belongs to Amara as she tries to convince her brother to stop destroying literally all of existence. As expected, Chuck is resistant to the idea. Eventually, she convinces him to come with her and she leads him straight into the Winchester’s trap.

Elsewhere, Dean yells at Sam about how Jack is not family so they are not obligated to try to save him like they would each other. That is the position Dean has held from the beginning, though he did soften it over time. Things like this are why I have always struggled to empathize with Dean as a character. No matter what happens, he is going to take the most cynical position. That does not mean I do not sympathize with or care about the character. In fact, I find Dean very interesting because I cannot identify with him.

Anyway, Dean takes Jack to New Mexico to complete his final task before turning into another Winchester Bomb. The quest givers? Adam and his angel girlfriend. Like, the Bab Yaga last episode, I cannot believe this much time has passed without ever seeing Adam. He appears to have never left the 1960s based on his attitude and clothes. This makes sense though since his task is to teach Jack that there is a little bit of God in everything. Then he pulls out his rib and gives it to Jack in the funniest moment of the episode.

Castiel and Sam are doing what should be expected: research! They eventually find the Key of Death that was mentioned way back in ‘Last Call’. This takes Sam to Death’s library. Here he runs into the Empty, again in the form of Meg. They explain to Sam why Billie is so excited to kill Chuck: She wants to be the new God after she reaps him. Then she can send everyone back where they “belong”. Angels in Heaven, the Empty asleep again, dead people stay dead, and Apocalypse World refugees back in Apocalypse World, which is nothingness now. Sam convinces them to let him take Chuck’s book on behalf of Billie and heads back to the bunker.

At this point, everyone is here. Dean is rushing a soon-to-explode Jack to where Chuck and Amara are while Sam and Cas attempt to intercept him. They have a big, emotional showdown in the hallway as Sam attempts to convince his brother to stand down. Dean pulls a gun on Sam and we cut to the primordial beings in the basement as Chuck explains this is his planned ending. Brother vs Brother like we saw early in the season. It is an absolutely devastating revelation.

Luckily, Team Free Will is able to come to a consensus after a heartfelt speech from Sam. They get to the basement just in time to see Chuck convince Amara to let him absorb her. So now he is actually unstoppable (until he is stopped), and he leaves.

Overall, ‘Unity was a really enjoyable episode with a fun structure and big events. Exactly what I would expect with so few episodes remaining before the finale. I just have no clue what happens next. Maybe the gang gather every hunter and supernatural being they know and prepare for a final showdown? Michael is still out there somewhere, and I expect to see him again. Perhaps he is the key. Guess we will see next time.


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