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Friday, January 29, 2021

Supernatural Season 15 Episode 16 Review

What are we doing here? Like, of course there needed to be a final Young Winchester episode this season. That makes perfect sense. But why wait this deep in? We have reached the endgame of literally everything. Chuck is on his way and Team Free Will needs to be ready when he arrives. This episode is good, albeit unremarkable, but feels out of place where it is.

It is, frankly, unbelievable that three hundred twenty-three episodes to see the Baba Yaga. How is that possible? Granted, this version is not quite what I have encountered before, but I am certainly no Baba Yaga expert. As a monster, it is effective. As the focus of one of the final episodes, it is fine. None of the guest characters really stick out.

This episode does, once again, reinforce the ‘Dean is a born hunter who can never quit’ thing. That particular note is being laid on so thick that I am beginning to think maybe it somehow ends with Dean sparing Chuck or Amara. What that means for the bigger story, I am not sure. But it would be interesting to see.

Billie returns in this episode, questioning why the Winchesters are working a case right now. Good question, Billie. A convincing answer is never given, but she let us Dean know that Jack now has his final preparatory mission. This leads to Dean bringing Sam in on the fact that Jack is going die killing Chuck. Naturally, Sam is mad his son’s probable death has been kept from him. I did not address it last episode, but I cannot believe Billie’s big plan is the same one from the eleventh season finale.

Neither can Sam so he plans to find a better way. It is the Winchester way after all. What I am perhaps most interested in is if he succeeds. Surely one of our core four characters will sacrifice themselves to end this conflict. That is also the Winchester way. I still think Same makes it through to the end and leads a (relatively) happy life, so it has to be someone else. Dean would be the obvious choice, but that would not gel with my above theory. So, the only one left is Castiel. This would be the final act in the ‘Sam, Dean, and Cas are the only good dads’ story Supernatural has been weaving. I like it.

Despite being a poorly timed filler episode, ‘Drag Me Away (From You)’ has me more enthusiastic than ever to see the final set of episodes. Everything has been done. Every old episode has been referenced. I am bursting with theories. It is time.

Best Quotes:

Dean: "It looks smaller."
Sam: "Yeah. Well, we're bigger."

Billie: "I just came from one of Chuck's worlds. Watched a whole planet burn alive, reduced to a cinder."
Dean: "Yeah. Well, not to make light of the, uh, Death Star level galactic genocide, but what else is new?"

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