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Wednesday, January 13, 2021

News Roundup 01.13.2021


Hey y’all. We have a lot of interesting news this week. From Tv to movies to comics to video games, this one really runs the gamut.

I haven’t been as consistent as I wanted to be with posting this week, but some wild stuff has been going on. Next week should be back on schedule. There will be two (maybe three) more posts this week though, so look forward to that. And WandaVision is this week, so Saturday will see the beginning of coverage for that. Its gonna be big time.

Without further ado, let’s jump in!

Loki Season 2 In Development

The first season of Loki does not premiere until May, but it has a second season on the way. That means it is not a miniseries like WandVision. I had assumed otherwise. This means that some of the other announced shows could be ongoing series that seemed like they had obvious limited runs (i.e., Moon Knight, Hawkeye) could be expanded beyond that initial run. Clearly, stuff like Armor Wars and Secret Invasion are their big event stories and will lead into other stories, but probably not get second seasons.

This all leaves the exact shape of the MCU kind of unclear. It feels amorphous in a way it has not since 2012. That could be a good thing that leads to more interesting, risky stories. Or it could cause executives to worry and force a return to the familiar. I am really interested to see where it goes from here.

Deadpool 3 is R-rated, in the MCU

This was fairly predictable, but it is nice to have it confirmed. I like the first two movies, but not enough to be overly excited for a third. I am interested in what the vibe of this movie will be more than I am the movie itself. To some degree, Deadpool 3 will have to fit in with the MCU. It is already an ugly grey mess, so at least it has that in common. I am also interested in if there will eb a number in the title. Iron Man 2 and Iron Man 3 are the only MCU movies with numbers in their title while other sequels have subtitles.

No matter what happens, I’m glad Deadpool fans can have more Deadpool. Plus, the Fox X-Men universe lives!.. kinda.

Way of X, Starring Nightcrawler, Is Coming

Si Spurrier usually writes one of two types of comics: wacky fun adventures and extremely strange, big idea stories. Occasionally, they are both and Way of X seems like it is shaping up to be in that vein. For some time, we have known Kurt is working to start a mutant religion and this series is going to explore that and what it means for both mutants and the wider world. This is the exact stuff that I’ve said I want to see explored and have loved thus far in Jonathon Hickman’s time with everyone’s favorite merry mutants. Count me in for this one.

Miles Morales Entering A Clone Saga

Allegedly more controversial than the original Clone Saga, Miles’ Saga is going to be the culmination of the open threads left from Saladin Hamed’s time with the character. There will be three main clones terrorizing our hero. I cannot imagine what could happen that would be more controversial than one of the most controversial stories in Spider-Man history. This series has been superb thus far and I expect whatever it is—assuming it’s not just a marketing gimmick—be well told, if not entirely excellent.

Returnal News!

Returnal is releasing next month and Sony is doing virtually no advertising, so I have to do it for them. Created by Housemarque, this is probably the highest budget roguelike of all time. Also, probably the most expensive bullet hell game of all time. That’s right, a big budget, 3D bullet hell roguelike from one of the finest bullet hell developers ever.

Beyond that, this game seems to be adopting at least some of the trademark stylistic attributes Sony exclusives are known for. Think the story telling (and budgets) of recent Spider-Man games and the Uncharted series. All this is combining for what is a truly exciting PlayStation game coming in March. Look forward to future coverage.

New Story of Seasons of Trailers

Also coming in March, Story of Seasons: Pioneer of Olive Town is the next entry in one of my favorite franchises and they just revealed the romancable characters. Most notable is the fact the player can marry any of the ten options regardless if the player character is the same sex. That’s pretty exciting. I am gonna have to play this game at least six times since these trailers show a bunch of interesting options, far more than I’m usually interested in in these games. There’s also Ralph, who looks like he is about to say a slur and I hate it.

If you have not tried a Story of Seasons game (or Stardew Valley), this will be a perfect game to jump in a try. Doubly so if you enjoy Animal Crossing as the two series have similar vibes. Of course, if you can’t wait, I recommend last year’s Friends of Mineral Town entry, which may or may not be on my list of best games of 2020 next week.

Ubisoft Is Making A Star Wars Game

Ubisoft is making an open world Star Wars game. It has not been announced which of their studios will be involved, but this is an interesting development. EA did not do much with their exclusive license, so I am glad Disney is letting someone else take a crack. I do wish a smaller studio were given the chance to make a Star Wars game though. I would love to see a DONTNOD Star Wars game. Or maybe a Firaxis one. Branch out, see some different takes. Please.

Also, do not put any Skywalkers in this game. I am begging you, Ubisoft.

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