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Thursday, January 14, 2021

Blog Update: Second Anniversary!


Hey y’all! Welcome to 2nd Anniversary Celebration of Defender of the Multiverse! I cannot believe it’s been that long since I started this blog. It’s come so far in that time and I’ve been able to do so many fun things in that time. Before talking about those, I want to thank everyone that reads this blog, whether its regular or not. It means a lot that y’all are even vaguely interested in what I think about the various topics I cover. It really does make it all worth my while.

Now, let’s take a quick look back at some of the best pieces published here this year:

I cannot tell y’all enough to read my Power Rangers: Ranger Slayer #1 review. I think it was the best thing I wrote all year and am extremely proud of it.

If Ranger Slayer was not my best piece of writing, it was the Batman: Three Jokers #1 review. That comic made me feel some type of way. Writing that review also helped me solidify what I find lacking the Joker as a character (outside some very specific stories).

One of the coolest things I did this year was cover The Mandalorian weekly. While I did not like most the episodes, I had fun writing about the parts I did like and explaining why didn’t like certain aspects. The second season premiere review, in particular, provided a great place to explore that.

Earlier in 2020, I wrote about the end of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It was mostly about the series as whole but had a focus on the finale and the ways that affected various thematic threads of the series.

Finally, we have the best title I wrote all year: ‘Final Fantasy VII Remake Is Incredibly Horny’. It really says all you need to know, but if you’d like more details, give it a read. It was a great joy to write and it has some of my thoughts of a games that may or may not appear on my Best Games of 2020 list.

But that’s enough about last year, let’s talk about the exciting plans for this year. First up, I promised a Summer of Shinkai last year but was unable to do it for a variety of reasons. That changes in 2021. It will be happening, and I could not be more excited to do a deep dive into one of my favorite director’s catalogue.

Next, I’m launching a Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary celebration. Kind of. The anniversary isn’t until 2022, but that’s beside the point. In 2021, I am going to return to my KH Retrospective series. First, I am redoing the retrospectives I did do because I don’t like them. They’re bad. I will finish them this time, going all the way through Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory. I also intend to write a number pieces spotlighting and examining various aspects of the series. These will continue into 2022 and right up to the release of (unofficially) announced game coming that year. This is the most ambitious thing I have attempted on this site and I hope y’all enjoy it.

Finally, I want to branch out a bit. I write a lot about comics and video games, with the occasional movie review. This year I want to expand into more video game coverage. That could range from reviews to something more like ‘Final Fantasy VII Remake Is Incredibly Horny’ where I look at an interesting aspect of a game. I also want to look at more movies in a similar way. Sometimes it will be reviews, but sometimes I will be drilling deeper into specific aspects of said movies.

That’s all the announcements I have. Again, I want to thank everyone so much for the support you have given, whether by commenting, reading, or sharing what I have written. It means so much to me that I struggle to conjure words to express it. I hope this next year is even better!

Thank you everyone,


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