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Thursday, December 24, 2020

Supernatural Season 15 Episode 8 Review

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‘Our Father, Who Aren’t In Heaven’ is about tying loose ends, returning character, and setting the stage for the big events coming up in the fall finale next episode. It ends with Dean and Castiel (begrudgingly) on a quest together and Sam and Eileen in walking straight into a trap.

Before that, Donatello returns! The gang needs his help deciphering the Demon Tablet as they search for a way to stop Chuck. Donny is…reluctant to help. He, understandably, is worried about what could happen to him by working with the boys against God. It leads to some really good comedy bits, especially the way he stumbles out of the bunker as quickly as possible once his services are no longer needed.

Turns out God told Michael his one weakness long ago (Why is that on the Demon Tablet?) so Sam and Dean head to Hell to find him. Unfortunately for them, he is not there anymore. Fortunately, Rowena is and she’s Queen of Hell. Sure, why not? I may think Rowena is a boring, annoying character, but that is certainly the minority opinion, thus her coronation should have been expected. It’s fine. She sends the Winchesters away as she cannot help.

Speaking of Michael, he’s back! The main universe Michael, played by Jake Abel and everything. Speaking of, Abel has really grown as an actor in the decade since his last appearance. He certainly was not capable of the subtle, complex differences in tone and posture he exhibits here as he switches between Michael and Adam.

Adam is eating a burger when Lilith shows up to bring him to Chuck. Michael declines and smites Lilith. Goodbye Lilith, I guess. The boys lure him into a trap and the rest of the episode is spent trying to convince Michael that his dad does not care about him or the universe. This includes a touching scene in which Adam confronts the brothers about leaving him in the Cage for a decade. Sam and Dean do apologize, though there is obviously nothing they can say to make it right.

Adam is almost immediately on board with his brothers. He knows they always do what they believe is right and that they are usually correct. Michael, of course, is the good son that never doubts his father. At least until Cas does that angel memory sharing thing they do every once in a while. At that point, he tasks Dean and Cas with the aforementioned quest (Go to Purgatory, get the macguffin) and leaves to find himself or whatever. Oh and they only have an hour.

This entire episode has featured the B-plot of Eileen video chatting a hunter friends of hers. Eventually, she calls Eileen says she is in trouble with a nest of vampires. Eileen grabs Sam and they race to her rescue. Except it’s really Chuck in disguise and they have fallen for his trap.

Overall, this was a pretty good episode. The return of Adam was both the highlight and most important thing that occurred. It is very clear that the plan the team is currently working on will not work and Michael with surely be an invaluable ally. Add the Queen of Hell to that list as well. It is a powerful group being assembled and I look forward to seeing what comes next.

Best Quotes:

Sam: "So he has an Achilles heel."
Dean: "Well, I'm saying he has a weak spot."
Sam: "Yeah, that's... that's..."

Dean: "Michael's in Hell."
Castiel: "Yeah. He was possessing Adam, Sam and Dean's half-brother, when he fell into Hell with Sam, who was possessed by Lucifer, and they were all sealed in the Cage."


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