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Monday, December 21, 2020

Comic Reviews 12.21.2020

Hey y’all. We’ve got some really good comics to take a look at this week. Before that, I realized I forgot to review S.W.O.R.D. #1 last week. It was incredible. Al Ewing’s sensibilities match up with Hickman’s perfectly and it feels like a natural extension of the ongoing mutant story. Valero Schitti and Marte Gracia make it one of, if not the best-looking X-Men comic on shelves. I mean, just look at this:

S.W.O.R.D.  is shaping up to be a really fun series with cool characters and high concept sci-fi. I’m all the way in. I also read Power Rangers #2, which is a significantly better comic than its sister series but not enough is happening currently and I didn’t have anything to say about it. Looks unbelievably good though. Anyway, let’s get to the main reviews.

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Spoilers for: X-Force #15, New Mutants #14


X-Force #15

Writer: Benjamin Percy

Artist: Joshua Cassara

Colors: GURU-eFX

Designer: Tom Muller

Letters: VC’s Joe Carmagna

Production: VC’s Cory Petit

Cover: Cassara and Dean White


I asked for Cassara to be on the X-Men comics more often and here he is. You’re welcome. This comic is truly beautiful. Every scene is rendered immaculately and clearly. GURU-eFX’s colors are muddy and grounded in the exact way this series about the mutant CIA needs. It is a brilliant art team and that hopefully stays aboard for some time.

The story of this series has been a mixed bag for some time. This issue continues the pre-X of Swords plot of a potential conflict brewing with Russia (something several titles have developed) and Beast rounding up the Russian mutant to determine if they are spies. This included Colossus, who was tricked into coming back to Krakoa. Here, we see Jean looking into the mutants’ minds to see what they know. Colossus, of course, is innocent and allowed to return to the Savage Land.

Omega Red, however, has been tranced by a vampire. So what does Beast do with this information? He has him killed and revived, with a surveillance device implanted. The Five obviously object to this but are made aware that X-Force has complete authority in this situation. That level of authority is clearly a bad idea as Beast has been acting like a supervillain (or the CIA) for 15 issues. He destabilized a South American nation!

I hate this guy
This entire story has to end with Beast being thrown in the pit with Sabertooth. He has been antagonizing mutants and humans alike for decades but this series seems to be the first that questions him. Of course, it’s entirely possible this takes a ‘ends justify the means’ turn but I have faith in Percy and everyone else to not let that happen. Until then, we have got a highly entertaining, beautiful series to enjoy.


New Mutants #14

Writer: Vita Ayala

Artist: Rod Reis

Design: Tom Muller

Letters: VC’s Travis Lanham

Cover: Reis


Vita Ayala is trying to make me cry. And you know what? It almost worked. After spending a significant portion of this issue on Karma’s traumatic experience in Otherworld, Magik’s denial of her own, and Shadow King’s sad backstory, the issue ends with a prose page where Dani asks everyone to keep private journals and includes a list of potential prompts meant to inspire reflection and emotional catharsis. It worked.

The other prose page features the New Mutants writing a letter to Xavier about the fact the young mutants are directionless and being nuisances. Xavier writes them back a letter that more or less says, “lol ok thanks for volunteering to fix that.” It is perfect Xavier-is-an-ass characterization. They get it.

The remainder of the issue is dedicated to the training of the young mutants, focusing on the various ways they can combine their powers. S.W.O.R.D. #1 dove deep into mutant technology—the combination of mutant powers to achieve what was previously impossible—and this series seems to be following up on those ideas. It is very cool and is a good excuse for a boys (Warlock) vs girls cool action scene.

Rod Reis continues to kill it on this series. His watercolor art looks fabulous and the expressiveness of his faces continue to be incredible. In his brief appearance, Shadow King is particularly gruesomely evil. Warlock too is rendered in a wackier way than is typical and more reminiscent of his classic appearance. It looks fantastic and I would like more artists to take that approach. Overall, quite good.

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