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Monday, November 30, 2020

Comic Reviews 11.30.2020

Hey y’all. This week we’re finishing X of Swords. That’s it. That’s the whole thing. I ended up writing way more than I expected though. These issues were very interesting, especially in terms of the ongoing stories of each series. I’m also still reading the Last Remains tie-in issues of Amazing Spider-Man. That comic is mediocre and Matthew Rosenberg’s dialogue is bad. Really bad.

If you want to read about the final issue of X of Swords or my thoughts on the event overall, check out yesterday’s Featured Review. It was a fun piece to write and I hope everyone enjoys it. Anyway, let’s get to the reviews!

Spoilers for: X-Men #15, Excalibur #15

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Featured Review: X of Swords: Destruction #1


Writers: Jonathon Hickman and Tini Howard

Artists: Pepe Larraz

Colors: Marte Gracia

Letters: VC’s Clayton Cowles

Design: Tom Muller

Cover: Larraz and Gracia

Note: This is a review of the final part of the X of Swords. For reviews of the other two parts that released this week, X-Men #15 and Excalibur #15, come back tomorrow for the weekly Comic Reviews post. This review does contain spoilers for the entirety of X of Swords. You have been warned.

X of Swords is one of the strangest comic book crossovers I have read in a long time. Individually, almost every issue was entertaining. There were only three issues that were outright bad. An 86% success rate would typically indicate a story is of very high quality. And yet, I cannot shake this feeling that the story that was told was mediocre.

Friday, November 27, 2020

The Mandalorian's Latest Episode Would Be One Of It's Best If Not For Rosario Dawson


‘The Jedi’ should have been a momentous occasion for fans of Star Wars. The first live action appearance of a fan favorite character.  Said character answering some questions surrounding Mando’s small adult son and hinting at a continuation of Rebels’ story. And yet, the introduction of Ahsoka Tano in the flesh fell flat. Some of that is due to Rosario Dawson’s staid, uninterested performance. Some of it is due to Dawson and fellow Mandalorian actor Gina Carano’s history of transphobia. Some of it is the way in which no one at Lucasfilm or Disney has made so much as a peep about the problems fans have been asking them to confront.

Of course, enabling and inviting bigotry is nothing new to the franchise or the Disney era in particular. Whether it be refusing to reject the portion of the fanbase that has driven several actors off social media for the crime of being a woman or person of color (or both) or  by actively kowtowing to those bigots by replacing those actors and their characters with new, whiter ones. Or even adding quick cuts to LGBTQ+ characters that can be easily chopped out of the film when it releases in places with largely intolerant views of sexuality and gender. Making your casts interesting and diverse does not mean much when those characters get shunted to the side because Disney is scared of losing the worst section of its fanbase.

Disney is one of the largest corporations on the planet. Disney IS the movie industry. Disney can do whatever they want and what they want is to continue enabling bigots because they pay money too. This will likely continue as Ahsoka’s appearance in The Mandalorian is allegedly being used to generate interest in a spinoff. Of course, instead of continuing to employ Dawson, they could recast her. Or maybe make an animated series and have Ashley Eckstein return to the role she originated. I would not expect either of those, but I am a generally hopeful person.

I am not saying anyone should stop watching the show. Every individual should decide what they are comfortable with. I am going to continue to cover The Mandalorian for the remainder of the season as I have been the prior four episodes. If I feel up to it, I may write something more akin to previous reviews sometime before the next episode airs. Whether there is any cover of The Mandalorian, or Star Wars in general, following that commitment is undecided.

There are people much smarter than I that have written and spoken about these issues. I recommend you search them out as knowing more is never a problem. To start, I would recommend these articles and move forward from there. I will catch you all next week for more on the Grogu show.

As always, feel free to give your thoughts in the comments or on Twitter at @alexraysnyder. And if you like what you read here, consider throwing a couple bucks my way on Patreon to help cover costs.


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

News Roundup 11.25.2020

Hey y’all. We’ve got some very interesting news to cover today but first, let’s talk the schedule of upcoming posts. Let’s start in January. WandaVision will begin airing at the end of that month and I will be covering it in a similar manner to my current The Mandalorian reviews. However, it will be next day reviews as Mondays are currently taken on my schedule. Also, in January, I’ll be doing a best of/year in review similar to last year. The difference is going to be that each category from last year’s review will be given their own posts. We’re doing a big blowout celebration for 2020, a bad year with some good pop culture.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Comic Reviews 11.23.2020


Hey y’all. We’ve got a small one this week. It’s not the best group of comics, but there were definitely some highlight moments. I did read the new Amazing Spider-Man but it was so boring and nothing happened so I had nothing to say. Nice Mark Bagley art though. Next week should be bigger. It’ll also feature the return of Featured Reviews with X of Swords: Destruction #1. I’m very excited to see how this big event ends and write about it.

 I also want to note that Wednesday is going to have a fairly meaty News Roundup. It will also include some news about what the blog will look like in December and January. It’s gonna be wild and fun. Look forward to it.


Spoilers for: X-Force #14, Hellions #6

Friday, November 20, 2020

The Mandalorian Again Fails To Progress But Has The Pieces For Success


As predicted, this episode sees Mando and his wrinkly son land on desert planet and timewasting hijinks ensue. That is not to say ‘The Siege’ is a bad episode, it is just painfully mediocre. All of the series hallmark strengths (Visual presentation, score) and weaknesses (characters, plot) are present. If you would like more on those, check out the previous reviews published on this website. This week, we are diving into the scraps of plot that have been presented thus far and deciphering what they mean.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Comic Reviews 11.16.2020


Hey y’all. Welcome back. We once again have mostly Marvel comics on tap, but there is a new Power Rangers series that I’m excited to share with you. I really am lamenting the lack of DC comics that I’m reading currently. There was a new issue of The Flash this week, but I don’t have much to say about it. It’s good, not great. Future State cannot get here fast enough. I need some exciting DC comics in my life.

Anyway, let’s check out what we have in the here and now.

Had to find somewhere to share this gem

Spoilers for: Marauders #15, Excalibur #14, Wolverine #7, Amazing Spider-Man #52, Power Rangers #1

Friday, November 13, 2020

Katee Sackhoff Arrives To Make The Mandalorian Interesting


It has been made clear in these reviews that I do not much care for the characters of The Mandalorian. Well, in so much as there are characters. It is mostly a formerly racist suit of armor and its pet frog accomplishing nothing as they bounce from planet to planet. Not this week! This week there are actual characters involved. Ok, there is one character. Ok, she is not particularly interesting here; I just like her based on appearances in Clone Wars and Rebels. Really, there are not any characters here but the presence of Bo-Katan and a name drop of Ahsoka spice it up. This leads to some hints about both the past and future of The Mandalorian and The Mandalorian.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Comic Reviews 11.10.2020

 Hey y’all! Sorry this post is a little. There were some unexpected issues that came up. Anyway, we’ve got another week of event comics along with a new #1 issue. I also read Crossover #1 and Origins #1. The latter I didn’t much care for nor had anything worthwhile to say about it. The former will likely reappear here in the future as it was excellent but quite hard to figure out in just the first issue.

You may have noticed there was no Featured Review this week, due to the aforementioned unexpected circumstances. So I want to recommend anyone that hasn’t read the Power Rangers: Ranger Slayer #1 and Batman: Three Jokers #1 Featured Reviews to check those out. I think they’re some of the best work I’ve done on the blog and easily the best of the Featured Reviews.

Miles' family is fun

Spoilers for: X-Men #14, Marauders #14, Miles Morales: Spider-Man #20, Mighty Morphin’ #1

Friday, November 6, 2020

The Mandalorian Remains A Better Tech Demo Than TV Series

If you haven’t seen the fourth episode of Disney Gallery/Star Wars: The Mandalorian, titled ‘Technology’, you should. Its about how movies will be made in the future. Especially big budget movies like Star Wars. You see, like the Prequel Trilogy, very little of The Mandalorian is filmed on location. While there is a physical set with objects to interact with, much of this series is filmed in front of the next generation equivalent of a green screen. Functioning as showcase for that technology is interesting thing The Mandalorian does as it actively avoids being anything greater.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

News Roundup 11.04.2020


This isn't in the news but its relevant
Hey y’all. There isn’t a ton of news this week, but it is all very interesting. This probably the last News Roundup before the next gen console embargos break so I’m preparing for a metric ton of news about those next week. Also, I can announce that I made the maybe financially irresponsible decision to get a PS5 so there will be a review of it on this blog. That will likely be early the week after release. I’m also getting Miles Morales so there will also be something about that, although the timeframe is unclear since we don’t know how long that game is.

But that’s all in the future. For now, let’s check the news!

Monday, November 2, 2020

Comic Reviews 11.02.2020

 Hey y’all! We’ve got an interesting crop of comics this week. It should be noted that I did read the new issue of The Flash, but I don’t really have anything to say about it. It was decent, although the art is a step down as Clayton Henry was not on the issue. We’ve got the big midpoint issue of X of Swords and the continuation of Last Remains. Also, don't forget to check this week's Featured Review: the finale of Batman Three Jokers! Afterwards, you can come back and finish this.

Spoilers for: X of Swords: Stasis #1, Amazing Spider-Man #51

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Featured Review: Batman: Three Jokers #3

Writer: Geoff Johns

Artist: Jason Fabok

Colors: Brad Anderson

Letters: Rob Leigh

Cover: Fabok and Anderson

Who is the Joker? Or rather, who are the Jokers? That was the central mystery proposed in the first issue of this miniseries. This issue provides the most satisfying answer possible. More than that, it redefines the Joker not as an amorphous threat that can do anything at any time, but as a psychological pain that can never go away. He is a part of Bruce, Barbara, Jason, and Gotham and they can never be rid of him. Yet they move forward, dealing with that pain one day at a time, as one must with any trauma.

Full Spoilers for the issue below. Consider yourself warned.
