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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Comic News Roundup 07.22.2020

From the Flash’s new creative team to Keanu Reeves’ comic debut, there has been a bunch of comic book news of late. I wanted to share my thoughts because I am very excited for it. Comics are back in full swing and it is an exciting time to be a reader, so let’s dive in.


The Flash’s New Creative Team

The Flash #764

Kevin Shinick and Clayton Henry are taking of The Flash beginning with issue #763. I am most familiar with Shinick as an actor, although he has been a writer on a number of projects, both in comics and television. I haven’t seen or read anything he’s written so I’m coming in with no expectations. The premises of the two issues that were solicited this past week are intriguing, however. They’re focused on the Rogues, but, luckily, not Captain Cold and the game; 764 features the return of Dr. Alchemy, whom has barely been seen in a about a decade.

As for Henry, Flash fans staying winning with the art teams. I have expressed how much I think he is a perfect match for this comic. So, whether or not Shinick is any good at writing, I know this comic will look fantastic every issue. At least for a while. The comic appears to be staying on its twice a month schedule so I imagine after some time, Henry will get a break or there is actually a rotation already planned but unannounced. The other possibility is that this team will only do a few issues before a bigger, long term team is announced. Whatever the answer, I’m excited.


James Tynion IV Continues on Batman

Prior to last week, Tynion was known to have been leaving Batman after issue #100 and the end of Joker War. With recent changes in leadership (And thus plans), Tynion is going to be staying on for the long haul. I don’t particularly care for Batman. I don’t find Bruce Wayne a compelling character except in a select few stories. I do, however, like Tynioin quite a bit and wish him well on this journey. His time on Detective Comics was quite good and certainly proved him worthy of a shot at the big book.

Also, Batman has a (temporary) weird new costume that reminds me of the Batman The Animated Series toys my brothers and I had as kids. That’s kind of exciting.


Tom Taylor and Iban Coello Bring Y2K to the Marvel Universe

Ok, so the Y2K joke has been going around a lot in regard to this series but for good reason! Dark Ages is about all of New York (The world?) losing power. Permanently. There is clearly something about this series being saved for the first issue because that premise, while interesting, does not warrant the “high concept” description its been tagged with. I trust Taylor to make this a compelling story and Coello will certainly be a huge boon to that. To my knowledge, I have only encountered him on recent issues of Amazing Spider-Man and those looked quite good. Putting him on a more high-profile series is surely good both for his career and for Marvel as a whole.


Power Rangers Gets a Relaunch

The current Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers comic is ending in October but don’t fret! There will be two new series, Mighty Morphin’ and Power Rangers, replacing it. Yes, they’re bad names, I know. They literally just split the name of the current comic in half and called it a day.

Beyond that, these books are exciting. Mighty Morphin’ will continue on directly from its predecessor and features a new Green Ranger (I think its Matt, in case you’re wondering). Ryan Parrott returns and is accompanied by Marco Renna, another talented artist that will keep the franchise looking good. I wish they would move beyond the Mighty Morphin’ era though. It’s one of the worst seasons with some of the blandest characters (With some exceptions) and least interesting lore. Give me an Alien Rangers comic!

The other book stars the Omega Rangers—and Drakkon—as they go rogue and do something in space. The Omegas need to be fleshed out quite a bit as a concept, so this is by far the more interesting series. It also features Trini and Zack, arguably the best of the original Rangers. Parrott is also writing this series with Francesco Mortarino on art, reuniting the Go Go Power Rangers team (Minus Sina Grace). Go Go was often my preferred series during the Necessary Evil story so this has me excited.

Keanu Reeves Writes a Comic

This comic is being marketed as Reeves’ comic debut, which is intriguing enough. Even more intriguing than that is who he’s working with: Matt Kindt and Alessandro Vitti. What an incredible duo to have guide you through the process of creating a comic. Anyway, its about the morals, ethics, and nature of violence via the life of immortal warrior Berzerker. Sounds exactly like what you would expect from this team. Looking forward to BRZRKR beginning in October.

As always, feel free to give your thoughts in these comments or on Twitter at @alexraysnyder. And if you like what you read here, consider throwing a couple bucks my way on Patreon to help cover costs.

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