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Monday, May 11, 2020

Weekly Comic Reviews 05.11.2020

Hey, y’all! Comic books are back! Kinda. Marvel and DC are drip feeding books until the end of May. The current plan seems to be the return of most comics in June. But we still get some new comics until then. This review will be here. I have some plans on how to keep it consistent as it seems there going to be two weeks where I have nothing to review. I’ve got you covered. Let’s jump into the book this week

As always, I will be using a three-tiered grading system. Buy means I think you should go buy this comic; it’s very good and worth your money and time. Borrow means that I think this issue is worth reading, if you can borrow it from someone; it may be worth the money for you but I’m not confident in telling you to purchase it. Pass means you should pass on the issue; I don’t recommend you buy the comic and generally don’t think it’s worth your time to read. Pass is bad.

Spoilers for: The Flash #753

The Flash #753

Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artist: Howard Porter and Brandon Peterson
Color: Hi-Fi
Letters: Steve Wands
Cover: Porter and Hi-Fi

Flashpoint is just always going to be treated as the most important Flash story ever, isn’t it? Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed that series and the tie-ins. But I am kind of tired of seeing it and this comic revisits the most important scene, again. Reverse-Flash is going to kill Barry’s mom and Barry can’t stop without messing everything up again. How many times am I going to read/watch a similar scene play out?

All that said, the scene in question is incredible. It is an almost wordless page of Barry standing outside his childhood home listening to his mother’s murder. Howard Porter nails this scene.  Without ever seeing Barry’s face, you can tell exactly what he is feeling and thinking. It honestly made me put the book down for a few minutes because I was too emotional. Just incredible work.

The art throughout the rest of the issue is also excellent. It’s unfortunate the story is less so. Its not bad, but no progress has been made. Paradox is slowly moving back in time collecting Paradox Energy (Which is still a thing that exists somehow). Meanwhile, Flash and Reverse-Flash fight while Eobard tries to convince Barry they should team up. At the beginning o the issue, Barry is conflicted about potentially having to team up with him and that remains true at the end. Hopefully next issue gives us something more because this story is starting to stretch further than it has the capacity for.

Verdict: Borrow

As always, feel free to give your thoughts on these comments or others you think I should read in the comments below or on Twitter at @alexraysnyder.
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