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Monday, February 17, 2020

Supergirl Returns from Crisis With A Chance to Fix Itself

Spoilers for Crisis on Infinite Earths and every episode of Supergirl through 'Back to the Future--Part Two.’ Consider yourself warned.

Supergirl is in a strange place right now. It's used Crisis on Infinite Earths to essentially reset itself to about episode 3 of this season while also separating itself from the past in very specific ways. No plot from the first part of Season 5 had been dropped, only remixed or adjusted. This has led to the first episodes of 2020 being both about discovering what's new and what technically didn’t happen anymore.

For example, the Leviathan plot from the first eight episodes just didn't happen. That makes the time we spent with it, especially episodes seven and eight that centered around Leviathan and Rama Khan. The thing is that those episodes weren't particularly good as whole. Rama Khan was a forgettable villain that seemed completely unrelated to what Leviathan was attempting to accomplish. Now, they have a chance to fix that. The Leviathan has been almost completely reset. This includes Andrea Rojas, who had an underwhelming transformation into the assassin Acrata. Maybe they won’t bring that aspect back as Andrea is much more interesting than Acrata. Hopefully they can do it better if they do bring it back.

Perhaps the biggest change to the Leviathan plot, and Supergirl as a whole, is the return of Lex Luthor. Now the owner and co-head (With his sister Lena) of the DEO, Luthor is seen as a hero to the citizens, even though our heroes know otherwise. He had two primary functions thus far: Helping Lena with her research and being the driving force of the Leviathan plot. You see, he didn't like being a tool for Leviathan last season. He didn't even know they existed. And he's gonna take them down.

Who better to do that than an undercover Brainiac-5? That doesn't make any sense you say? Well, you see, the first post-Crisis episode focused on our lovable Brainy as he dealt with the fact that some people survived the destruction of the multiverse and are stuck on Earth Prime (The new name for the Earth all the shows happen on). Also, four of those are different versions of himself (Including a delightful female Brainy played by Meaghan Rath, sister of Brainy actor Jesse Rath) and it's a whole to do. What's important is that they convince him to remove his personality inhibitors and connect to the Big Brain, whatever that is. He then convinced Lex this has unleashed his logical side and the most logical thing to do is team up and fight Leviathan.

Elsewhere, Lena has been set back to square one with her research because Q-Waves are different on this Earth. That’s about it with this plot so far. Because they had to make room for Kara's actual love interest, William Dey. And I'll just say it, it's not good. The actors have zero chemistry and William is the least interesting character I can remember the show ever having. He’s basically low-rent Adam Grant and that’s not what you want. There’s a karaoke scene in which Kara and William sing Africa by Toto and him harmonizing is the closest they’ve ever come to having chemistry. At least this plot seems to be sidelined for now as Kara turned his date offer.

That’s about it. There's a bunch of plots going on and I didn't even mention Jeremy Jordan’s two episodes return to ease us into this new world. Or Brainy and Nia breaking up. There's a lot going on, but it's almost all interesting so I won't complain. Plus, the 100th episode is next week so there's going to be a party and many guest stars. Looking forward to the rest of this season.

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