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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Blog Update 12.08.2019

Hey y’all! I’m back! I want to apologize for disappearing, but I’ve been having a hard time with technology the past few weeks. My laptop hard drive has been absolutely destroyed. Took way too long to fix that. Everything else has been on the fritz as well, even my Fitbit! But I’m back now and ready to rock!

First things first, there will be no Last Week’s Comics Reviewed this week as I haven’t had time to read them between finals. The reviews will return next week.

This week will have a lot going on though. Crisis on Infinite Earths begins this week and I’ll be bringing you next day posts about each episode. That’ll be Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I also plan to look at Promare either this week or next. That will probably be next week as I want to write about Supernatural this week. That’ll be a special piece that will take the place of a couple episode reviews.

For the rest of this month, I will, of course, be taking a look at Star Wars. Then the holidays hit and I guarantee a Christmas or Christmas Eve comic review. Ditto for New Year’s. When there is a break in the schedule, I’ll do a piece about some upcoming video games and films. Supernatural and the Arrowverse will be on hiatus in the second half of the month. I might do a midseason check-in for the Arrowverse. Having said that, the Crisis episodes might save that function depending on how deep they delve into the ongoing plots of the individual shows.

After New Year’s, we’ll be coming up on the one year anniversary of the blog! I’m not quite sure how I’ll celebrate that, although I have a couple ideas. I’m going to save my Best of 2019 awards for next year because that’s how it should be. The format of that is still in flux, however.

That’s all for this update! It’s been crazy and I’ve missed y’all. But I’m back now and we’re going to have a ton of fun in the next month. Catch you back here for Crisis tomorrow.

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