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Monday, May 6, 2019

Spider-Man: Far From Home Endgame Spoiler Trailer

               I am unbelievably excited for this film. I love Spider-Man. I love Tom Holland as Spider-Man. And it looks like he is getting to showcase some more of his acting chops than in previous films (Not like he was a brick wall in those though). My big problem with the trailer is the assertion that the world needs another Iron Man. Because I feel like that is missing the point. The world had an Iron Man. He saved the world. Now, they need something else, someone else. If the plan is to shove the newer Marvel Cinematic Universe characters into the roles of the older ones, I’m not sure how positive my outlook will be on the future of this endeavor. My hope is that the climax of the film is Peter realizing there is no new Iron Man. He certainly isn’t it. He needs to be himself. Peter needs to be the best Spider-Man possible, not the next Iron Man. I think that would truly setup the future of these films. Give Peter (the audience) the moment every legacy hero (Which the MCU Spider-Man essentially is) needs: They aren’t the old heroes and they can’t do things the same way. They must stand as their own people and heroes. And the world will be better off because of it.

Also, more Zendaya please.

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