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Friday, March 1, 2019

New Dark Phoenix Trailer

So, here's where the X-Men franchise stands: Uncanny is fairly mediocre right now and they're in the middle of an event of unclear quality. Their hasn't been a above average quality film in the series since at least 2014 (Yes, this does include Deadpool, but I have yet to watch Logan). And the probable final non-MCU films in the series are going to be released this year. And boy do they not look great.

Starting with Dark Phoenix, what even is this film? It appears to be an adaptation of The Dark Phoenix Saga, but it also seems to have another government organization that captures the X-Men and I saw an interview the Simon Kinberg in which he says the X-Men will be fractured and set against each other. You know what other X-Men film had a ton of plot lines and Phoenix? The Last Stand. But at least Cyclops has a chance to finally be a interesting character in the films (My guy, James Marsden, was done dirty).

As for New Mutants? It looks interesting. It has been pushed back so many times that I don't know what to think. It comes out in August so that means the studio believes in it, right? Or is August too late to be considered the summer window? Either way, the horror tinge to it has me interested. Especially if Demon Bear is in it. They have a pretty good cast a a director whose last film I remember being well received. I will definitely watch this.

Overall, I am kinda sad to see the end of this universe. It has been a steady franchise most my life and to see it end is sad. Having said that, let's take the best team  of superheroes ever created away from Bryan Singer and his influence. 

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