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Sunday, May 30, 2021

Featured Review: Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom #1

Writer: Brandon Easton

Artist: Fico Ossio

Colors: Rico Renzi

Letters: Rob Leigh

Cover: Yanick Paquette


Is Mister Miracle considered a bankable character now? It has been three years since the Tom King/Mitch Gerads miniseries so one could argue it has been long enough that a character of this renown should receive another story focused on them. Strangely, a different Mister Miracle is the star of this series. This decision is indicative of those made throughout the issue that provide an intriguing but ultimately disappointing debut for Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Comic Reviews 05.24.2021

 Hey y’all. It was a pretty good week in comics. Especially for art. Even comics I couldn't find anything to write about like Amazing Spider-Man #66 and Justice League #61 looked phenomenal. There was no Featured Review this week, but next week’s should be a fun one. Unless something surprising occurs, the new Mister Miracle series’ debut will feature. Reptile #1 also has an outside shot as ours one I am very excited to read.

That's next week though. Let’s focus on this week’s reviews!

Spoilers for: Way of X #2, Nightwing #80, Wonder Girl #1, Radiant Black #4

Monday, May 17, 2021

Comic Reviews 05.17.2021


Hey y’all. We’ve got some fun comics to discuss today. Before that, Featured Reviews returned yesterday with a look at X-Corp #1. It’s a promising start with some important flaws. I did not read much outside the reviewed comics this week, although I have been moving through My Hero Academia at a prodigious 40ish chapters per week rate. It’s really good. I finally arrived at the story arc the anime is currently adapting so this is my first opportunity for wholly new content, which is exciting. I might write something about that series in the future, but its not on the schedule yet. But I digress. On to the reviews!

Spoilers for: X-Factors #9, Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: King’s Ransom #1


Sunday, May 16, 2021

Featured Review: X-Corp #1

Writer: Tini Howard

Artist: Alberto Foche

Colors: Sunny Gho

Designer: Tom Muller

Letters: VC’s Clayton Cowles

Cover: David Aja


X-Corp has taken a strange path to release. Initially announced in Carmen Carnero’s goodbye letter in the back of October 2019’s Captain Marvel #11, the series was originally intended to release the following winter, but a combination of world events and scheduling issues saw the series scrapped. Then the summer and Empyre: X-Men #1 arrived. The issue began with a tease of X-Corp—the organization, not the comic—that, it turns out, was a tease for X-Corp—the comic, not the Organization. The comic was resolicited almost exactly a year after its initial release date. Finally, it has arrived on store shelves in May 2021. But, you may be asking, is it any good? To which I say, “It’s complicated.”

Spoilers for X-Corp #1 from this point forward.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Comic Reviews 05.10.2021


Hey y’all! We’re back with a couple reviews this week. Apologies for the last couple weeks of no posts. Some things happened but we’re back now! I’ve got some fun plans for upcoming posts, including a look at the first season Invincible and my thoughts on Returnal. It’s gonna be fun around these parts for a couple weeks. Stay tuned!

Spoilers for: Heroes Reborn #1, Cable #10, Miles Morales: Spider-Man #25

