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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

News Roundup 03.03.2021

Hey y’all. We’ve got a ton of news from across the pop culture spectrum today. It is pretty exciting. Before we get to that,  I want to reiterate what I said in Monday’s Comic Reviews: Featured Reviews will be returning this Sunday with Infinite Frontier #0. That may be the longest FR piece I have written because there is a lot going on in it. Also, the schedule is up for $5 patrons (Patreon link at the top of the page).

Anyway, onto the news!

Infinite Frontier is DC’s Next Big Thing

It goes beyond the one-shot and the banner at the top of covers. Infinite Frontier is the next big event by Joshua Williamson and Xermanico. They will be exploring some plot points from the #0 issue, including the cliffhanger—more on that in Sunday’s Featured Review. Williamson taking a bigger a bigger role in the DC universe is exciting as he has been given those second tier series (And The Flash) despite being largely successful. He is a little more Geoff Johns than Scott Snyder in style, which will be a nice change after Snyder’s hit and miss time at the top. I look forward to it.

Tom King’s next award-winning comic is Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow

I am…not a fan of Tom King’s work. What I read of his Batman was fine but dull, Omega Men was uninteresting, and Heroes in Crisis was, as longtime readers will know, one of the worst comics I have ever read. Because of this, I have stayed away from his work, but I am willing to give him another chance with Supergirl. The series has a near-identical premise to that of her previous solo comic, but that one was middling, and I just want her to have another good series. At least Tom King once again has a very good art team to work with; this time its Bilquis Evely and Mat Lopes. At the very least, this should be nice to look at.

J.J. Abrams and Ta-Nehisi Coates are making a Superman film

This pairing seems confused. J.J. Abrams will undoubtedly aim to make something that is a throwback to the ‘80s films with little substance while I imagine Coates has a story in mind that is more focused on current events and political commentary, especially given the rumors the plan is to cast a Black actor as the next Superman. Having said that, Abrams’ best films are largely those he did not write himself so there is potential here. He is a gifted director on a shot-to-shot basis. I have some hope for this project.

New Mutants is coming to HBO Max

Finally, the finale of the X-Men franchise arrives somewhere I can watch it. I was extremely excited for five years ago when it was being filmed the first time. Over time, the number of reshoots, delays, and negative reviews have decreased that excitement significantly. However, there is a chance this film, like Dark Phoenix before it, surprises me. It is full of talented actors I like (and that white guy playing Roberto) and has an interesting premise so there is potential. Guess we will see in April.

Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis is coming

This is a strange one. It is another remake of Final Fantasy VII, this time for mobile phones. It also includes remakes of the entire Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, including Advent Children. It will be released in monthly episodes beginning sometime in 2022. How big those episodes will be and how many there will be is unclear. It features a more traditional battle system, which could go either way given FFVII has really bad combat.

I am excited for this because it will finally give many people a chance to experience Crisis Core, my favorite of the games being reproduced here. I imagine it will come to consoles eventually given its similarities to Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition so I may wait for that. Either way, it should be an interesting game at the very least.

The Final Fantasy Remake Series Has A New Director

Naoki Hamaguchi, Co-Director of the first installment, is taking over as the primary Director of the next game. What exactly that means for the end product is unclear, especially with Tetsuya Nomura staying on as Creative Director and Producer. I would imagine it leads to some of Nomura’s idiosyncrasies being toned down but not removed.

This is all due to Nomura working on an “unprecedented amount of games”, possibly the most concerning and exciting phrase I have ever seen in a Square-Enix interview. Can’t wait to see what it means.

Pokémon is getting Gen 4 remakes!

Finally, the best generation is coming back. Interestingly, this game is emulating the visual style of the originals as opposed the other remakes, which have adopted a version of the most recent games’ visuals. It seems like that is due to the incomprehensible negative response to the Let’s Go, which allegedly strayed too far from the typical formula.

Also, this game is being made largely by an outside studio so they may have been inclined to play it safe. Of course, most of these games’ big flaws are easily fixed so I expect these to be some of the best the franchise has to handle.

And yes, the art style is good. Pokémon fans need to stop being such weirdos.

But Wait! There’s More Gen 4!

So, uh, I guess we are finally getting that open-world Pokémon game people have been asking after forever. It is interesting it is set in Sinnoh. Is that simply because the Arceus was introduced there? Or maybe it is just intelligent synergy with the remakes. Nevertheless, 2021 (Or 2022 in this case) is the year of video games made for me and this is no exception. Hopefully, the development team can make the game run at a reasonable framerate before it releases because it looks atrocious in this trailer.

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