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Monday, March 29, 2021

Comic Reviews 03.29.2021

 Hey y’all. We have a pretty fun group of comics this week. Combined with yesterday’s Featured Review, Detective Comics #1034, this may have been one of the best weeks since I started doing these reviews. I have high hopes for all the comics going forward and am excited to share that with you. So, let’s keep this intro short and get to the comics!

Look! Its Gorilla Gregg!

Spoilers for:  Miles Morales: Spider-Man #24, Amazing Spider-Man #62, Titans Academy #1


Miles Morales: Spider-Man #24

Writer: Saladin Ahmed

Artists: Carmen Carnero

Colors: David Curiel

Letters: VC’s Cory Petit

Cover: Taurin Clarke

This issue was a breeze to read. It went by super quick. As a cooldown issue where Miles hangs out with Kamala, that is not entirely unexpected. I was simply stunned when I reached the end as fast as I did. It is an appropriate choice of issue before the big Clone Saga story begins next issue and there are Miles running around everywhere.

So, Miles and Kamala meetup, play some ball, save some lives, and get ice cream. It does include some teasing of a potential romantic relationship; the conversation ends with the pair discussing how important friendships are so Ahmed –who recently ended his time as writer of her solo series—may just be playing with us. I would not be against more exploration of that dynamic. It has felt for a while like it will happen someday, the only question is how soon.

Kamala, he has eight powers; what're you doin?
Miles (as Spider-Man) also threatens a landlord because they are trash. It was somewhat out of place for him as he acted closer to the typical portrayal of black suit Peter. He immediately calmed down afterwards, so it was probably just a tactic to get the landlord to get himself right, but the comic does not make that clear.

Carnero once again demonstrates she has an excellent grasp on the tone and characters. Her Miles is more reminiscent of Sara Pichelli’s than Javier Garron’s, which is my preference even though I loved Garron’s time on this series. It will be fascinating to see how she creates distinctions between the various Miles beginning next issue.


Amazing Spider-Man #62

Writer: Nick Spencer

Artist: Patrick Gleason

Colors: Edgar Delgado

Letters: VC’s Joe Carmagna

Cover: Gleason and Delgado

This series is finally reaching the point where all the disparate plots are beginning to come together. The Kindred plot is tying into the Fisk plot is tying into the Gog plot is tying into the Boomerang plot is tying into the Randy/Beetle plot is tying into the J. Jonah Jameson plot. It is all coming together. And that is what this issue is really about. Bringing some of those plots to a head while progressing others.

Take for example, the long-gestating Randy Beetle subplot. People are finally becoming aware of their relationship, most notably their fathers. This interferes with Tombstone’s plan to help Kingpin force Fred to deliver the magic rocks he so desperately needs. That then affects the Kindred plot as one of Fisk’s chief motivations for searching for the rocks in the first place is revenge on Kindred. Of course, that would then affect the Norman plot and so on.

Pete definitely says fur baby.
The fact Spencer and his collaborators have been able to weave such an intricate web is impressive. It is a feat not many writers can pull off, though Amazing Spider-Man has often been home to some of the best writers in the business for 50 years and this is not necessarily new to the series. It remains masterly nonetheless and makes me excited to see what comes next.


Teen Titans Academy #1

Writer: Tim Sheridan

Artist: Rafa Sandoval

Colors: Alejandro Sanchez

Inks: Jordi Tarragona

Letters: Rob Leigh

Cover: Sandoval, Tarragona, and Sanchez

I did not realize this series would be acting as though the Future State miniseries is the beginning of this series. It is to the degree that some of the events of that story are assumed knowledge in this issue. A bit of an odd move given those comics were…less than immaculate, to be kind. They did feature some intriguing teases for what we may see in this series going forward though. Also, this comic is easily the best of the three and shows the series may have a future.

This ‘premiere’ issue does a lot. Like, a lot a lot. It explains the concept of the new Teen Titans Academy and its hierarchy, introduces a handful of new characters with interesting hooks, puts the veteran Titans in a fascinating new position, adds a giant new piece of lore to Nightwing’s backstory, and continues the Red X teases from Future State. It also features more Gorilla Gregg so it must be good.

More Bunker please. I am BEGGING
Anyway, there is a new school inside Titans Tower. The upperclassmen are the active roster of Teen Titans in the field who are guided by the older Titans back at the school. It is all very classic X-Men/New Mutants feeling. It is unclear what exactly the year-to-year structure or curriculum are, but there should be plenty of time to flesh that out.

More importantly, Dick’s stint as Red X is canon now. At least to some degree. The implication is that, like in Teen Titans, he did it while trying to take down Deathstroke. There have also been two people to take up the mantle since on top of the new teen one. Presumably, he will not destroy the academy as happened in Future State and there will just be a Red X character hanging around as either hero or villain in the DC Universe. Seems fun.

If you have been reading these reviews long enough, you likely know that I love Rafa Sandoval. His faces are sometimes a little off model, but that is not a problem in this issue. This issue is beautiful. Not in any particular way, just that every aspect is quality, and the style is pleasing on the eyes. Plus, again, he draws a nice Gorilla Gregg.

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