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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

News Roundup 01.20.2021

Hey y’all. We have such exciting news today! Nothing out of the ordinary, but it hit me midway through writing this post how excited I am about the goings-on at DC Comics. I haven’t been this interested in what they are doing since 2016, maybe longer. That’s not to say I haven’t been excited about individual comics, but the overall direction of the line has been middling at best. As a DC GuyTM, this has me basically vibrating with joy. 2021 seems like it will be a good year there. Maybe even as good Marvel seems like they will have.

Anyway, let’s take a look at the news!

Lars Mikkelsen Returns as Thrawn

(Former?) Grand Admiral Thrawn is coming to Ahsoka. Thankfully, it seems he will not be played by Robert Downey Jr., as Twitter really seemed to want for some reason. Instead, Lars Mikkelsen appears to be all but confirmed to be reprising his Star Wars: Rebels role. I will wait to go into my full thoughts until it is official, but I think Mikkelsen did a phenomenal job on Rebels.

The Next Batman is continuing post-Future State

The Next Batman: Second Son is a digital first miniseries telling the origin of Tim Fox as Batman. John Ridley is returning to write with Travel Foreman, Tony Akins, Mark Morales on art.  This is cool. While I have yet to read any Future State comics, I love possible (alternate?) futures and think the idea of Tim Fox as Batman is interesting.

Maybe more interesting than the story itself, this is the first high profile digital first series DC has announced since Marie Javins became Editor-in-Chief and it had been heavily implied big digital first series would become an important part of DC’s publishing model going forward. If they are all going to be this big a deal, I am undoubtedly going to get extremely invested.

There Is A New Robin Series

I thought it was strange Joshua Williamson was not working on any DC comic coming out of Infinite Frontier #0. He did have a two-part backup in Batman and Detective comics starring Damien Wayne. Guess we know where that story leads. Williamson will be joined by Gleb Melnikov on art. I have experience with Melnikov’s art, but the preview art certainly looks quality. That art combined with a writer I like has me enthusiastic.

Batman The Dark Knight Returns

Tom Taylor is practically taking over the Batcorner of the DC Universe. Between Nightwing and this team up with Andy Kubert and Brad Anderson, he is quite busy over there. This is only a miniseries, but that creative team working on a Batman story where he gallivants across Europe has my attention. I will certainly check it out when it releases in April.

Green Lantern Is Back And Stars John Stewart

And Jo Mullein! And Keli Quintela! All the best Green Lanterns (except Kyle Rayner) are here! Continuing from his Future State title, Geoffrey Thorne is joined by Dexter Soy to explore the balance of power between the United Planets and Green Lantern Corps. I wish either Jessica Cruz or Simon Baz was going to be one of the stars, as I feel those characters are interesting but have not had enough of a presence since Green Lanterns concluded. Simon is on the cover to issue #1 so he may have a part to play though. Either way, I plan to pick this one up.

DC Universe Infinite Arrives Tomorrow

Finally, we arrive at arguably the most important news of this roundup. DC Universe is evolving into what it probably should have been two and a half years ago. With the removal of the movie and TV portions of the service, it is becoming comics focused. In fact, one might even compare it to Marvel Unlimited. DC certainly would not, but I feel comfortable in that assertion. With the rebranding also comes a lot of new comic being added, including Vertigo titles for the first time.

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