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Thursday, December 3, 2020

Supernatural Season 15 Episode 6 Review

Welcome to my Supernatural reviews. I am catching up on the final season and have not seen beyond the episode currently being reviewed. Please come along for the ride. I promise it’ll be fun.

The gang is back together. Sam, Dean, and Castiel are ready to fight against God and whatever plans he has for them. And Eileen is there too! ‘Golden Time’ may be the first episode in which Supernatural shows its hand. Eileen’s return likely signals one of three futures:

1. Eileen dies tragically in the final episodes of the season. Maybe it is because Chuck thinks it will force Sam in a certain direction or he just wants to torture Sam personally. Either way, this seems like the least probable path. Not only has the show already done that already, it happened under the supervision of the current showrunners. It seems unlikely they would go back to that well.

2. Sam and Eileen become a couple and Sam tragically sacrifices himself in the finale to protect her (and probably the entire world/universe), leaving Eileen alive. Given Sam’s propensity to be the hero and make grand sacrifices, this seems entirely possible. It would also bookend the show with the death of Sam’s girlfriend and his own death. I personally do not like this path, but it is entirely plausible.

3. Sam and Eileen both survive and settle down. Given the direction the show has gone in its second half—and especially in the Robert Singer/Andrew Dabb era—this seems like the most likely outcome. For years Sam has been trying to get out of the hunting game. The world always needs him though. It is all part of Chuck’s grand narrative that he cannot retire so once Chuck is beaten, there is nothing stopping Sam from doing just that.

This episode also focuses on one of the defining storylines of late period Supernatural: Sam as witch-in-training under Rowena. Notably, Rowena is gone. She sacrificed herself to close the gate to Hell. This episode finally allows Sam to process that. This manifests itself not only in his drive to revive Eileen but also his reaffirmation that the team can and will beat God. It is a promising step forward as the gang reunites as the end.

Castiel has been on vacation since leaving at the end of ‘The Rupture’. Of course, upon discovering something suspicious going on in town, Cas cannot help but take up the hunt. It is during this hunt, and through conversing with mother of a missing boy, that Cas realizing he should be helping people. During his investigation, Cas has a phone conversation where he learns Chuck is still around and playing with their fates. These two experiences combine to create the aforementioned reunion.

Now that our foursome has been established, they are going to seek Chuck’s whereabouts, likely using the theoretical connection between he and Sam via their gunshot wounds. What that means exactly or the methods by which it happens are unclear. Maybe Sam does some magic? We will just have to wait and see.

Best Quotes:

Dean: “What’s round and bad tempered? A vicious circle?”

Sam, to Eileen, a ghost: “You ever feel like you’re the butt of some cosmic joke?”

Castiel, explaining why he needed a vacation: “You could say we had a falling out with management.”

As always, feel free to give your thoughts in the comments or on Twitter at @alexraysnyder. And if you like what you read here, consider throwing a couple bucks my way on Patreon to help cover costs.

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