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Monday, December 14, 2020

Comic Reviews 12.14.2020


Hey y’all. It was a pretty fun week for comics. The X-Men especially got into some shenanigans, which you can learn more about below. Not included here is Mighty Morphin’ #2, a dull comic I’m considering dropping, and DC’s Very Merry Multiverse #1. The latter was a fun anthology. I got it for the Teen Justice story which introduced Kid Quick. This short look at them is fun. I especially dig the outfit; it’s maybe the best a teen Flash has ever look. It will be exciting to see them as the new Flash next year. Anyway, on to what I did actually review!

Hopefully they all return.

Spoilers for: Marauders #16, Amazing Spider-Man #54


Marauders #16

Writer: Gerry Duggan

Artist: Stefano Caselli

Colors: Edgar Delgado

Letters: VC’s Cory Petit

Design: Tom Muller

Cover: Russell Dauterman and Matthew Wilson


Gerry Duggan knows what we want to see: Stefano Caselli drawing Kate, Ororo, and Emma beating and blackmailing Sebastian Shaw. That make sup the majority of this issue. There are some nice gags like Kate drinking from various bottles of Shaw’s expensive whiskey and when she just happens to have an eyepatch to cover up Shaw’s biggest wound. There is also a great gag where Shaw escapes and Kate drags him right back. You know, Kate is just fantastic this entire issue.

This entire issue is incredibly cathartic. The entire past year has seen Shaw plot (and partially execute) a coup. This included him doing plenty he should not have, including the murder of Kate Pryde. While he claims here that it was to ensure she was a mutant, it was clearly because he did not think she would return and thus there would be a vacant position for his son.

It's too funny
The most important event that transpires is the switching of duties of the Red Queen and Black King. The red branch will now handle the black market of the Hellfire Trading Company while the black deals with legitimate business. It is an interesting reversal that will surely change the exact type of mischief Kate and the gang find themselves in.

As mentioned above, Caselli draws a fantastic comic here. Everyone looks amazing. Well, everyone but Lockheed, whose face looks nothing like I have ever seen it. The angles Caselli chooses for each panel provides a real sense of powerlessness when they focus on Shaw and powerfulness. The objectivity of the Glob Herman page emphasizes this and exacerbates the effects. It is excellent work.


Amazing Spider-Man #54

Writer: Nick Spencer

Artist: Mark Bagley

Inker: John Dell

Colors: Edgar Delgado

Letters: VC’s Joe Carmagna

Cover: Patrick Gleason and Delgado


Last Remains will never end. It will also never do anything. This has to be the most underwhelming event I have read in some time. Every issue is the same: Harry monologues about how mad he is at Peter and why Peter needs to confess his sins. What are those sins? Who could say? The implication is that it is the deal with Mephisto in One More Day, but that is only a guess.

Just explain what hubris you refer to. Please.
This issue does throw a changeup in Peter monologuing at Harry for a short time prior to Harry reclaiming his throne as Speech King. Peter talks about how done he is with trying to save Harry from his daddy issues. It is a potentially interesting break between the lifelong friends, but nothing comes of it here. If Sin Eater shoots MJ as the cliffhanger threatens, that bond will certainly be broken for a long time. It is such a shame that would be the first interesting event of the storyline.

At least Mark Bagley and co. are here. Bagley, a legendary Spider-Man artist, does a phenomenal job, especially in character expressions. That has always been where he excelled and this issue is no different. In particular, any panel where Peter is aghast is perfect. The colors are slightly darker than they were in some earlier issues and this combines with the copious shadows to really create a dark mood where seemingly anything can happen. Hopefully, something does next issue.


As always, feel free to give your thoughts in the comments or on Twitter. And if you like what you read here, consider throwing a couple bucks my way on Patreon to help cover costs.


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