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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Blog Update 07.29.2020


Hey y’all. Time for the monthly(ish) update. Today, I’ve got real news! Until this point, I’ve mostly just posted whatever I felt like whenever I’ve felt like. While that will continue to some degree—if I really want to write about something, I will—I want to introduce a more standardized schedule not only so y’all can have some sort of schedule for content but also to keep myself accountable. Now that’s understood, let’s take a look at the new schedule:

Sundays are going to continue being the Featured Review day. These are longer comic book reviews than those found in the Weekly Comic Reviews. They’re used highlight a notable or interesting comic. If there comes a week that doesn’t contain a worthy comic (Which I don’t expect to happen often), I have plans to fill the review. Unless another book surprises me, X-Factor #1 is going to be featured this week. I’ve had a ton of fun with it thus far and can’t wait to do more.

Mondays are going to keep being Weekly Comic Reviews. Something about putting these reviews out on Mondays is immensely satisfying for me. They will probably continue to hover around 3-5 comics per week both because that’s how many comics I read and that’s about all I think I can handle writing right now. Occasionally there may be more but don’t expect that often.

Wednesdays are going to be wild card days. It could be anything from a movie review to a podcast recommendation. Posts like Final Fantasy VII Is Incredibly Horny and After 12 Years, Star War: The Clone Wars Has Ended--well as updates like this one--will fill this slot as well. Next Wednesday, we finally have the real start of Summer of Shinkai! In that piece, I’ll take a look at both She And Her Cat and She And Her Cat: Everything Flows, the adaption (Expanded Remake?) from 2016. Get excited!

Fridays will be News Roundups like the ones I did last week. Any new trailers or news for major film, video games, comics, etc. will be compiled here. That includes recaps of the PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo events going forward. They’ve been fun to do in recent weeks and I want to keep them up. In the event there isn’t enough news to create a roundup, I will still do something like the trailer posts I’ve done before. And if there is absolutely no news, this will turn into an extra wild card day or a rest day if I need a short break from writing (Check my Twitter for notifications on that).

Well, that’s everything. I hope y’all are looking forward to the more formalized structure. As mentioned at the top, I want to do an extra post in a given week, I will but most weeks this will be the structure. It’s going to be exciting and is the next step in evolving this blog to where I want it to be. I hope you plan to stick around on this journey, and I’ll catch you Friday.


Take care and be safe,



As always, feel free to give your thoughts in these comments or on Twitter at @alexraysnyder. And if you like what you read here, consider throwing a couple bucks my way on Patreon to help cover costs.

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