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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Weekly Comic Reviews 05.27.2020

Hey, y’all. I took Memorial Day weekend all to myself so the schedule this week is a little off. But I have some really fun posts scheduled beginning with this, another look at the Fastest Man Alive Flash comic. Next week, will be longer and the list will continue to expand throughout June until we are back in the full swing of comic book releases. I cannot wait for that.

Henry's figure work is so expressive.

As always, I will be using a three-tiered grading system. Buy means I think you should go buy this comic; it’s very good and worth your money and time. Borrow means that I think this issue is worth reading, if you can borrow it from someone; it may be worth the money for you but I’m not confident in telling you to purchase it. Pass means you should pass on the issue; I don’t recommend you buy the comic and generally don’t think it’s worth your time to read. Pass is bad.

Spoilers for: The Flash: Fastest Man Alive #2

The Flash: Fastest Man Alive #2

Writer: Gail Simone
Artist: Clayton Henry
Colors: Marcelo Maiolo
Letters: Rob Leigh
Cover: Cully Hamner and Dave McCaig

This comic is very good. As with last issue, it is a very clever and exciting adventure. The art is crisp and attractive with the perfect sense of how to display Flash’s powers. My only problem is a small side story about a carnival murder just doesn’t need to take up the two or so pages it does. It doesn’t add much to the story aside from giving us our first look at CSI Barry in this comic. Luckily, it is so minor that it doesn’t detract much.

The most exciting aspect of this issue is the introduction of Lt. Beth Arden, a soldier from the 25th Century. She is part of the Speed Force Resistance and has been sent to our time to stop Barry. She has a really cool armor and fun toys that are fast enough to catch our hero. The have a fun battle where they constantly one-up each other before Barry outsmarts Arden’s speed force seeking trident and her disarms here.
Love this costume.

Arden goes on to explain that she is trying to prevent the birth of Reverse-Flash in the future by stopping his inspiration. Interestingly, this Barry has no experience with Eobard Thawne or time travel so he must be very early in his career as Flash. Ultimately, the two form a truce and Arden give Barry a way to find her if he makes it to the future. They agree to team up and stop him, potentially hinting at an ongoing story in this comic.

I’ve seen the covers of the next two issues and they both could easily be time travel-based stories. If this does become an ongoing thread, the prospect of this team’s take on Thawne is very exciting and makes me want to dive into the following issues. If it is just a hint at a confrontation that won’t take place in this series, that is fine as well. This comic has been plenty of fun thus far and does not need Thawne to keep that up. Either way, this series is shaping up to be a memorable one.

As always, feel free to give your thoughts on these comments or others you think I should be reading in the comments below or on Twitter at @alexraysnyder. And if you like what you read here, consider throwing a couple bucks my way on Patreon to help cover costs.

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