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Friday, May 1, 2020

Blog Update 05.01.2020

Hey y’all. Welcome back to the almost-monthly blog update. Last time, I mentioned I was very excited to have some extra time to write and that you should expect more posts in the near future. I have, in fact, been writing quite a bit, so that’s good. Unfortunately, most that content has not made it to the blog over the past month or so. I just want to explain to you why that is.

To be clear, I have a number of posts written and most are complete. These range from a Final Fantasy VII Remake review to a piece about why I have gone back to playing more JRPGs than I have in recent years (Helpfully edited by my friend Reid) to a review of Kingdom Hearts 3 and the ReMIND DLC along with some pieces about Jonathon Hickman’s time writing the Fantastic Four and an Avengers Endgame retrospective. That’s not even counting the ideas I have for what to write this month and beyond. I have a lot built up.

Despite having all these pieces, and more, in some stage of the writing process, I haven’t posted many. That’s because they don’t feel like they’re at the quality I want my writing to be. This is a blog designed for two purposes: 1. To get my creative energy out and 2. To improve my writing ability. Part of becoming a better writer is writing stuff that is mediocre or sometimes even actually bad. And I know I’ve done that in this here blog. I have written some pieces I’m actually not proud of at all. But I have also written what I believe are very good pieces and it is clear that I have improved over the course of the last 17 months.

So, I’m meeting the two stated goals of the blog. And yet I can’t bring myself to publish much of my work. It might just be me overthinking. I am not satisfied with the pieces though. That’s been true of many of the things on my blog. In fact, it is true of almost everything I have ever written, including a sixth-grade essay on Ray Bradbury that I still look at from time to time. And yet something has been holding me back.

 So, here’s the plan moving forward: I’m going to do some clean up and start posting some of these. Even if I am not satisfied with them. Having said that, not everything I mentioned above will make it through. I will attempt to put as many as possible up, but if the piece isn’t good, it won’t go up. I also have to make room for the other things I want to write. Plus, finals are coming up, so I also have to deal with that. But please bear with me everyone. I’ve got some cool stuff in the pipeline. And thank you for reading.

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