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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Trailer

So, there’s a new Assassin’s Creed game coming. Above, you will find a five-minute trailer with zero (0) seconds of gameplay footage. Here’s what the trailer tells you: Vikings are invading Britain and Alfie the Great is a Templar. Also, Odin is chilling on the beach by a tree. Some further info released makes it seem like this game is going to go full RPG after including RPG elements in the previous two titles. There will heavy town building elements, multiple love interests, and detailed character customization. That all sounds fine, if fairly generic. While I have quite enjoyed Origins and Odyssey (Even if it is WAY too big), this just sounds like the Assassin’s Creed taking the final step of becoming Historical Fantasy Skyrim. And I’m not particularly interested in that. I am willing to give this game a try though. The setting intrigues me and I do like the basics they’re building on. And it sounds like there will be minimal ship combat, the worst mechanic in series history! When Ubisoft shows more, I’ll let y’all know what I think.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Avengers Game Finally Makes Sense

Somehow, I missed that Crystal Dynamics released more information about this game. I think this video is the first time I have truly understood what Marvel’s Avengers is: Destiny. It’s just Destiny with an Avengers skin. Also, this video makes it sound like there will be a much more realistic way to play alone, which is typically my preferred gaming experience. I still don’t like that everyone looks like store brand MCU characters or that they picked the most boring Avengers to be in this game. Except Kamala, obviously. She’s fantastic. But where is Spider-Man? Or The Thing? Smasher? Sunspot? Captain Marvel (Any of them)? There are so many cooler characters than what was chosen. I know they’re going to add more over time (Hi, Ant-Man), but that doesn’t make the initial team any less boring. I may give this game a shot in September if I have the cash. If not, I won’t be too worried about missing out.
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Monday, April 13, 2020

Final Fantasy VII Remake Is Incredibly Horny

In the opening moments of Final Fantasy VII Remake, Cloud Strife, and thus players, are introduced to Jessie Rasberry. Within five minutes of said introduction, Jessie can be overheard having a side conversation with fellow revolutionary Biggs. What do they discuss? How hot Cloud is. It begins with Jessie swooning and ends with Biggs relenting and admitting Cloud is good looking. But it doesn’t end there. Everyone in this game wants a piece of Cloud.

Spoiler warning for character interactions and minor plot details in Final Fantasy VII Remake through Chapter 8 as I have not advanced beyond that point. There will not be any major plot details discussed.

Friday, April 10, 2020

My Most Anticipated Games of The Year Are Out!

Hey y’all. Stuck at home and don’t know what to do? Got some extra cash? Then I have some great news for you! Two of the most promising video games of the year were released in the last two weeks. Unless I am forgetting something obvious, Persona 5 Royal and Final Fantasy VII Remake are my mostly highly anticipated games coming this year and they’re both downloaded on my PS4. It’s a very exciting time.

Persona 5 Royal is an updated re-release of the 2017 (In the west) instant classic RPG about chilling with friends and stealing hearts. You play as a group of thieves that travel into the minds of villains and steal their “hearts” to make them good people. Well, better people at least. It’s a blast. The soundtrack is incredible, and the game is gorgeous. Royal is definitely the version to get, even if it will cost some extra money. There are so many quality of life updates and new activities. Plus, there’s an extra 20ish hours of story. I can’t vouch for the quality of that story, as I am only halfway through the game, but the teases thus far have my expectations sky high.

Final Fantasy VII Remake is the long-awaited remake of Final Fantasy VII. It’s all there in the title. As you can see from the trailer, this game is beautiful. It is retelling the story of the original game. Well, just the beginning of it. But the early section of Final Fantasy VII is definitely the best part of what is a very dull game. SO, why am I so excited, you may ask? Tetsuya Nomura. My guy is (Co-) running the show here. If you’ve read any of my posts about Kingdom Hearts, you can probably tell that I would follow Nomura into the deepest recesses of video game hell. The man has a vision, insanely talented teams, and the full backing of Square-Enix. Also, the demo (The first hour or so of the game) that was released last month was very fun and showed a game with a very high floor and astronomical potential. Go buy it if you can.
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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Top 5 Comic Writers

Hey y’all. There were no new comics last week. So, in lieu of reviews, I’ve decided to do various comic related replacement pieces. That begins here with a look at my favorite current comic book writers. I decided on two qualifying criteria: 1. “Current” means having a comic book published in the last 8 months. This allowed for some leeway if I needed it. 2. I decided to stick with Marvel and DC writers because that is mostly what I read, and I wanted to stick with what I know. If you want my favorite indie (And other publisher) writers, peep the honorable mentions. With the criteria out of the way, let’s dive in!

Honorable Mentions: Ryan Parrott, Sina Grace, Matt Kindt, Brian Michael Bendis

Friday, April 3, 2020

Ok, Hear Me Out Episode 2 Has Arrived!

Hey y’all! It’s time for the long awaited second episode of Ok, Hear Me Out! We recorded this one a while back but had some technical issues, so it has taken some time to deliver it to you. But its here now for all of you to (hopefully) enjoy. In it, we investigate why Reid hates Chipotle. I would say I won this round. This emperor has no clothes. Let us know what you think.
