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Monday, March 16, 2020

Blog Update 03.16.2020

Hey y’all. Welcome to the apocalypse. I hope everyone is being safe, no matter where in the world you may be. I’m currently working and going to school from home. Which means commute times have dropped to zero and I have more time to write! So, you should expect my output here to increase. That will start with the release of my weekly comic reviews later today and continuing through the coming days and weeks. I am also planning a Flash-related article or two as well as some thoughts on the video games I am currently playing. If I have the time, there will be a Persona 5 retrospective and a look at some of Makoto Shinkai’s films. And a whole host of other things. So, look forward to that!

I have one other big announcement today: I’ve started a Patreon. Its something I have been considering for some time but did not feel I needed to do. In the wake of this global pandemic, my hours have been cut so I figured it was the right time to finally launch. I’m not expecting to make millions off of this, just enough to subsidize money I spend on this blog. I do have some longer term, bigger goals than the one initial one on the site but I feel its best to start small. Now, no one should feel obligated to donate. This blog is a passion project and my work here will continue on free of charge as it always has. But if you enjoy what I do, please consider donating. It would make my day.

Thank you and stay safe,


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