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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Last Week's Comics Reviewed 01.29.2020

What's up, y'all? Sorry I went missing for a week. School started back up and I had lost track of time, but no more! We’re back with the good stuff. Two exceptional comics and one promising one this week. I’m going to start reviewing Dawn of X comics next week so stay tuned. Let’s jump in!
This is from Mauraders #5 and Rogue's new costume is SICK

Spoilers for: Guardians of the Galaxy #1, Superman #19, and Saban's Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers #47

Guardians of the Galaxy #1

Writer: Al Ewing
Artist: Juan Cabal
Colors: Federico Blee
Letters: VC's Cory Petit
Cover:  Cabal and Dean White

I have literally no idea what's happening in this issue. The Greek gods are supercharged and attacking Kree settlements. The Guardians are loving in domestic bliss, except half (maybe most, I'm not sure who’s a guardian at this point) the team is restless. Lucky for them, Nova needs help stopping the aforementioned gods.

This issue is about how a number of Guardians are addicted to adventure. When Nova arrives, Phyla-Vell and Moondragon jump at the chance to help but everyone else stays behind. Except Peter and Rocket sneak out that night because they feel they have to go. This, combined with Nova deciding this mission is the best way for him to cope with his recent trauma, clearly demonstrates where this comic is headed, thematically if not plot wise.

Read it clockwise

Also, Marvel Boy is here and they give a full rundown of my guy's bizarre power set. And he's extremely extra, as he is wont to be.

I’d be remiss if I didn't mention Juan Cabal and the art team because this comic is gorgeous. Except Peter Quill himself. Something about his face seems off but I can't put my finger on it. Being that one issue, the storytelling is great here and the panel layouts vary enough from page to page to keep your eye interested and your mind engaged with the images. Special shout-out to Federico Blee whose colors are vibrant and exciting and exactly what I want from book set on alien worlds.

Verdict: Borrow

Superman #19

Writer:  Brian Michael Bendis
Artists: Ivan Reis
Inks: Joe Prado, Danny Miki, Julio Ferreira, and Oclair Albert
Colors: Alex Sinclair
Letters: Andworld Design
Cover: Reis, Prado, and Sinclair

I didn't write about it during the holidays, but Superman #18 was one of my favorite individual issues of last year. It may have even been my absolute favorite. The way Clark revealing his identity was handled was magnificent, especially when he told Perry. Just a delightful comic.

In Superman #19, Perry fires Clark Kent. Which is a completely understandable reaction. Clark has been lying to him for years. He's been using himself as a source. When he wasn't, his wife was. It's a whole mess. But Perry is a smart and compassionate man and immediately rehires Clark. Being the exclusive home of Superman’s journalism is valuable. And Perry would never say, but he seems Clark like a son and would never do that to him.


It’s what happens when they leave Perry’s office that makes this issue truly emotional. It also makes me emotional writing about it. Trish Q is the first to hug Clark and thank him for saving her life. Then the entire office follows suit. Brian Michael Bendis' time running the Superman comics has been bumpy and somewhat inconsistent. He has proven, almost ever issue, that he understands Superman better than almost any writer. The way Clark assures Trish (And probably everyone else) that he sees and cares for each of them is exactly what makes him super. Its phenomenal and brings tears to my eyes.

This is all portrayed excellently by Ivan Reis and the art team. Reis is one of the best artists in terms of facial expressions. That’s exactly what was needed here and it’s pulled off with aplomb. Well done team.

My least favorite part of the issue is also rendered beautifully as Superman rushes to defend the United Planet’s from an attack by Mongul. It looks gorgeous and is well written but I wish it wasn't here. The story of everyone coming to grips with Clark’s reveal is worthy of being the focus.

Verdict: Buy

Saban's Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers #47

Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Daniele Di Nicuolo
Colors: Walter Baiamonte with assistance from Katia Ranalli
Letters: Ed Dukeshire
Cover: Jamal Campbell

Jason is in a coma, the Omega Rangers have been revealed to our heroes, the Blue Emissary has fallen, and Kiya has assembled her team. This leads to fantastic drama this issue, as the build up to this moment has for the better part of year. Across two comics. And that’s my biggest complaint here. On an issue by issue basis, both Mighty Morphin' and Go Go Power Rangers have been excellent stories with well sketched and interesting characters. By the time the 'Necessary Evil' story ends, it will consist of approximately 25 issues. Let’s get going!

Having said all that, this issue is one of my favorites to date. The Rangers are understandably furious with their friends for lying to them and keeping this secret. They’re furious Jason is in a coma. Kimberly in particular is not taking this well. She is yelling at them when everyone learns Goldar has attacked Angel Grove. The Mighty Morphin' rangers head out to deal with him but the battle ends in a draw and Goldar escapes. There’s a good meta joke about Goldar's wings in here too. Enjoy:

Trini and Zack remain behind to brief Zordon on the situation. They apologize for lying to Zordon and not being able to give him full details at this time. It does matter because “It would take far more than this to destroy [his] faith in the both of [them].” It’s something of a rarity, a heartwarming moment for centered around Zordon. But there is a new highly powered Empowered so the Omegas have to leave.

Before they can, the other rangers return and Rocky, Aisha, and Adam volunteer to go and help, as they don’t feel they belong with the Mighty Morphin’ team. On the way to their destination, Trini and Aisha have a heart to heart about Aisha feeling like a temporary replacement for Trini. She’s reassured that she is no such thing. Upon arriving, the team’s ship destroyed but a giant energy blast.

Everything here is character driven and the character behave like real people. Trini and Kimberly barely say goodbye because Kim is so mad. The replacement trio of rangers volunteers to leave because they low-key hate being power rangers and just want to get away for a while. Even Zordon and Xi have a quick exchange that shows the reverence Zordon commands throughout the universe. It real good, y’all.

And it looks fantastic! Di Nicuolo remains an excellent choice for this book. He has clear, clean action scenes and faces that are so expressive, I can see what everyone is thinking before reading the dialogue. And, it’s been a while since I yelled about the costuming in this comic but it’s always SO GOOD. Everyone wears clothes that make perfect sense for them and you never question it. Also, they’re appropriately stylish (i.e. Kimberly is stylish but Billy wears a sweater vest). It’s excellent.

Verdict: Buy

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