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Monday, September 9, 2019

Blog Update 09.09.2019

Hey y’all!

I am so sorry about my long unannounced and unplanned hiatus, but I am back now! I just wanted to let everyone know that following this post, Last Week’s Comics Reviewed will be returning on Wednesday. After that, I am still working on a publishing schedule now that school has started again, but it looks likely that Mondays will be one of the days I publish.

Speaking of publishing, I have a piece about the MCU that I have been mulling that will be coming in a few weeks. That will focus on how I think Marvel may be losing its characters in its ambitious attempt to become the only films people see. Beyond that, I’ve been following the Crisis on Infinite Earths news and want to talk about that so look forward to it. I am also almost done with my Supernatural rewatch (Mid-Season 13 right now). Expect a preview of the upcoming season before it kicks off. And that leads into my final piece of news: I will be doing episode recaps for the 15th and final season of Supernatural! I have gone back and looked at my Game of Thrones recaps and, while I am proud of them, I believe I can do much better and have learned some lessons from that process.

That’s all for today, but I hope to y’all Wednesday as I dive into House of X and Legion of Superheroes: Millennium, two very interesting comics that I can’t wait to discuss.

Thank you,


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